Ask Me Anything

with The Jordan B. Peterson Premium Podcast

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Free speech of evil

Hi Dr. JBP. At Bucknell university during your free speech presentation, you were asked if we should platform our enemies. You replied that there are limits, you wouldn't want to platform the devil. I disagree in the following way, Joseph Stalin was Satan brought to Earth. If say a university professor played a speech of Stalin for students, wouldn't that be the same as platforming Satan? I say give Satan a platform, but have someone capable, say Christ debate him into the ground and expose his malevolence. If we cant hear Satan speak, we wont recognize him when he inevitably rears his head. I'm probably wrong, but I'd love to know why?

Belly drugs

Thought I'd go with an attention grabber for the title, rather simple question though: Favourite dish back home, in Canada, and one found along your travels?

Your Calgary Ticket sales May 9, 2022

I joined your "Supercast" so I might have a chance to purchase 4 Calgary tickets for my teenage grandsons. Reading your FB ad it says members can purchase a day earlier than those who were not premier members. I did a bit of research to find out the cost > $400 USD!!! ... most of the seats already sold!!....before the release date? Is this a scam website selling your tickets? ....not sure this average grandma can afford to come and see you. :0(

Teenage Love

Hello Mr. Peterson. This question may seem odd and maybe a bit silly, but there I a particular girl whom I like very much. We are both fans of your work and although we are not dating, she is awfully flirty. How would you recommend approaching a young woman when you’re unsure where you stand with her?

Combating the devouring mother

Dr. Peterson, I messed up big time and married a narcissist. We had two children together before I became the man I needed to be all along. We are now divorced, and I want to know how to mitigate her toxicity that she visits upon our two sons. I am a strong, healthy, masculine example for my boys. But how can I protect them from the treachery of the feminine in their lives? I hope they are not doomed to "marry their mother" once they grow up.