Ask Me Anything

with The Jordan B. Peterson Premium Podcast

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Tyrannical Mandates to Attend Events

I am so thrilled that you are touring and equally thrilled at the prospect of attending your event. I am torn over the decision to attend, as there have been tyrranical mandates in my area. I have to show vax proof to enter into the venue. I feel that I am in violation of my own morals (and I feel this is antithetical to your message, which consequently makes me feel like a hypocrite). What advice can you bestow in navigating this decision?

Wedding Must-Haves

Modern wedding culture in the West is flashy and luxurious (and pricey!). But a wedding celebrates the beginning of a marriage, so we shouldn't carelessly denigrate the institution of weddings. What do you think are the must-haves for future newlyweds to have at their weddings? And how can we refrain from falling into the shallow, unimportant, and perhaps pernicious culture surrounding today's weddings?

The politics of division.

I recognize that politics in a representative democracy are by nature divisive. But I think that the current state of affairs is divisive to a degree that will lead to Balkanization or worse if current trends continue. But the immediate rewards of wedge politics seems to be too great of a temptation for politicians to resist. In your opinion what can ordinary people do to work against these trends?

Presale code

Hi, Could we please get the presale code for Calgary, Alberta? I thought we were supposed to receive the code prior to tickets going on sale.

Biblical Series Audio.

I would enjoy listening to the Biblical Lectures while on the go. I can only find them on YouTube which doesn't work in the background or on lockscreen and perhaps i have just overseen their availability elsewhere. Can you help? Thanks thus far. Matthew