Ask Me Anything

with The Jordan B. Peterson Premium Podcast

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Building Self estime with opinion of others

Sadly, in relationship, I build my self esteem by pleasing others. I can be high or badly low depending on what my partner/others thinks of me. I know its toxic, but l have trouble to act differently. How can I get out of this vicious circle and stop be the mirror of other people's opinion about me?

Self Authoring - Do it again?

Hi Jordan, I recently attended your lecture on Free Speech and the importance of writing at the Toyota Music Factory in Irving. I enjoyed the experience immensely. I completed the self authoring program in early 2020. Do you recommend going back and redoing the exercise after you experience intermittent periods of growth? I am inclined to do so, and compare the tone of the two documents. I would also like to see if the same things are still important to me.

How to pursue becoming a clinical Psychologist in modern universities?

Hey JP, me again. I am just about to turn 30 and I am having to decide whether I continue my masters of teaching: primary and the continue in pysch. The goal was to be a school psychologist and this is the typical pathway in Australia. Unfortunately, I am not built for the 65 hour work weeks, classrooms of 30+ children, each with their own individual learning plan addressing their unique learning style. Whilst ensuring their wellbeing is fine by placing no personal responsibility on the children for their behaviour. Anyways, I do like a side tangent. I am 1/4 of the way through my masters. Averaging 75%. This isn't a reflection of my potential, but my adherence to ticking boxes in my work when looking at the learning guide. I get more from youtube than my expensive education. Funny that. I did achieve this grade whilst running 4 independent lifestyle education programs (15 families in each, on average) across the greater Sydney area and being a full time carer for a family member in palliative care. 20 hours of my week was driving alone. My point to this is not to brag, but to provide context. I have freedom for the first time to pursue my own goals with the responsibility to only have to take care of myself. Something foreign to me. Now, Coming out the other side, with all that I have learnt, it has shown me how far my potential can really stretch. Now the problem is, how do I decide on what is meaningful not expedient, when I see meaning in many avenues. But must first build credibility for my myself and others, whilst knowing i have it in myself to do so? How do you go about, re-entering the education system with a bad taste in your mouth? They preach critical thinking, but it is easier to pander to their ideologies than challenge them. When the prize if a piece of paper that allows you to have the credibility to "practise what you preach". I had to unfortunately learn that if they don't understand your critical thinking, or it doesn't align with "policy" you don't get appropriate feedback, you get a BS comment. Only to minimise how you feel about your work. Anyways mate, if you ever start taking on apprentices. I'll spam your email with my GPA until you either mentor me or hack me to bits with a machete. Either way, I am just a bad smell of annoyance and mean well. But that is it, keep stepping through the mud :)

What is The Environmental Niche of Neuroticism?

Thank you Dr. Peterson for your online course for the Big 5 personality traits, with its complimentary, understand myself survey. I scored fairly high in neuroticism. This wasn't very surprising to me, however, I have wondered what the true natural niche for neurotics is. I also wonder what advice you have for neurotics in the modern world, I assume many of the people you see in your practice rate highly in neuroticism. Thank you, for everything.

How to Read the Bible Like You Do

The way that you are able to translate the archaic ancient stories of the bible into graspable pearls of wisdom for the modern age is uniquely brilliant and special. How might someone attempt to grapple with an ancient text like the Bible themselves and attempt to pull out pearls of wisdom in the manner which you are able to do so? Do you have any tips/advice? You often speak of the importance of wrestling with these vital texts oneself (so as not to just be a puppet for repeating viewpoints), but how would you advise someone to do it as awesomely/profoundly as Jordan Peterson does it?