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with The Jordan B. Peterson Premium Podcast

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anorexia nervosa

My daughter is 29 years old and has suffered from anorexia nervosa since she was 16 years old and she is still looking for help. She has a job but still needs. help. What is best?

Teenagers and leftism

What do you recommend for helping teenagers understand the downfalls of leftism especially with how hard it is pushed by faculty in high schools. With teachers actively promoting socialist/communist ideals how do we equip teenagers to handle it, while also avoiding having them feel like us, as parents, are "indoctrinating" them with our ideals, which can often drive them straight towards the thing we were trying to avoid to begin with.


How can someone with BPD manage to have a stable relationship?

Big 5: Withdrawal

What is your advice for someone who is exceptionally high in withdrawal (99th percentile)? Other Big 5 traits, in case it is relevant to the question, but feel free to ignore. - Agreeableness: Moderately Low - Compassion: Moderately High - Politeness: Exceptionally Low - Conscientiousness: Typical or Average - Industriousness: Moderately Low - Orderliness: Moderately High - Extraversion: Moderately Low - Enthusiasm: Very Low - Assertiveness: Typical or Average - Neuroticism: High - Volatility: Moderately Low - Openness to Experience: High - Intellect: Moderately High - Openness: High

Selective mutism

My daughter has been suffering selective mutism for years now. She is 10. Her condition is not getting better despite various therapies. What would be the best course of action for her to get better?