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with The Jordan B. Peterson Premium Podcast

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I want to do well in my online classes but I cant help thinking my professors are making the assessments harder knowing we'll cheat

I really want to cultivate my competence but at this point, the professors just expect us to cheat. What do I do?

What is your opinion on using artificial intelligence to predict work performance using big 5 and IQ results?

When are we seeing a lecture series on Exodus?

Jordan B Peterson Dating app!!!!

We all know how Dating can be a pain in the but for almost everyone. Using your personality test and the other psychological methods do you think there could be a way of bringing like minded people together?

wisdom of the world religions

Hello Dr. Peterson hope you and your family is doing well. My question to you is have you considered talking to experts from other major religions such as Hinduism, Buddhism, Daoism, Judaism etc and draw from the wisdom they have to offer. Some of them are so structurally different from Christianity that it might be fun to compare them. The idea of rebirth and Karma in Hinduism so different from the way the west looks at the world. Or the absence of the concept of Evil in certain religions.