Ask Me Anything

with The Jordan B. Peterson Premium Podcast

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If heaven and hell are states of being on Earth, is suicide a rational way to escape one's personal hell? Some say those who commit suicide will go to hell. Is it reasonable to fear that outcome? Can committing suicide to escape intense psychic pain result in everlasting torture in the hell of the Bible?

Solutions: Could we create a language of keywords/hashtags online to provide missing social context and allow people to find each other?

Do you think it'd be a good idea to start promoting specific hashtags and search keywords for specific discussions and groups across online platforms? Hashtags are a way to provide context; the social context (church, bar), the group of people, a grouping of topics, etc. They also allow you to create networks and circumvent search engine bias to some extent. As an online community, should we create and promote a new category of language, of ubiquitous keywords and hashtags, to provide some of the context we would normally have in real life, and to provide a way for people to organise and find each other? I was thinking of this because JBP is where a lot of my interests come together, but I don't really have a good "word" to refer to the group of people or the grouping of topics, except maybe "IDW", and of course google is VAST. Godspeed!

A Salvific Religion means it’s ok to be an unworthy participant

Dr Peterson, I’ve heard you imply many times that you dare not say you believe in God because of your unworthiness and inadequateness to live the way someone who truly believes in God should live. However, the Catholic religion is by definition a Salvific one, ie. it’s mission is to save the sinner. Human beings are all fallen and Christ came to call sinners ie. all of us, to salvation by believing in him. We will all fail at times and sin and be unworthy, but God is love and his forgiveness unending for those who believe and desire him. So my question is, do you think you are missing the point by denying yourself entry into a Salvific religion like Catholicism?

Daniel Bulford surrenders himself

Would you consider interviewing organizer Mr. Daniel Bulford who recently surrendered himself during the "RAID" in Ottawa regarding the peaceful Freedom Convoy protest? He grew up near you. Here's his BIO.... Daniel (Danny) Bulford was born in Saskatchewan and raised in Northern Alberta. He grew up on a small farm 6 miles north of the small community of Bezanson, in the County of Grande Prairie, Alberta. Daniel followed the family tradition and became a Police Officer with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police in August 2006. He joined the ranks of his father and two older brothers as Members of the Force, along with his oldest sister, another longtime employee of the RCMP. After graduating the Depot training Academy in Regina, Saskatchewan, Daniel was posted to Whitehorse, Yukon (M Division). Daniel spent four years working on Whitehorse Detachment and was transferred to Mayo Detachment in December 2010. Daniel spent two and a half more years as a General Duty Police Officer in the community of Mayo before transferring to Ottawa. In July 2013, Daniel was transferred to the RCMP National Division Emergency Response Team in Ottawa, Ontario. During his time on the National Division ERT, Daniel’s primary role was sniper / observer, with the majority of his time spent supporting the protection of the Prime Minister and other internationally protected persons. Daniel officially resigned from the Royal Canadian Mounted Police on December 15th, 2021 after speaking out, on behalf of Mounties 4 Freedom, against mandated COVID-19 injections. Mounties 4 Freedom is a dedicated group of Regular Members of the RCMP publicly opposed to coercive mandates and discrimination against Canadians exercising their fundamental right to bodily autonomy.

A conservative University?

Do you think it would be possible to start a new “mostly” conservative University? An alternative to the “majority” liberal Universities?