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with The Jordan B. Peterson Premium Podcast

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Standing up with my shoulders back…

I am all in… my son is a genius…14 years old, ACT 34 and is buying in to the left wing propaganda…. I need guidance. I will be seeing you live in Akron, Ohio on April 7. Please let me host you for a steak dinner that evening.

Looking forward to seeing you

I am looking forward to seeing you in April in Akron, Ohio on April 7. … There is nothing that would be better than for us to have dinner together that evening. I am a trauma surgeon in town and grew up in Northeastern Ohio and I would love to spend the evening together with you and your entourage…. Please let me know if you are open to the invite… FYI. your recent song…”wake up” ….holy crap!!!! That was amazingly good! I am impressed… as are my friends……

Dealing with infidelity... To stay or leave

Dr. Peterson, with infidelity so prevalent I am surprised this hasn't been talked about more. I am dealing with the trauma of discovering a second affair, 10 years apart from each other. I have two beautiful children and what I thought was a typical happy healthy family and marriage. I am trying to hold it together for the sake of my family unit. Yes, we had our issues but genuinely strived to solve our issues as well as improve our marriage and relationship. We have always gotten along; we are somewhat different but have seemed to find a good balance in those differences. Everything a spouse should do to fix the problem they created she is doing; I think her remorse is genuine and she is riddled with guilt and shame. She is also doing a work on herself, doing therapy, hired a life coach etc etc. But non of those thanks make me feel any better, the real issue is me, I cannot seem to find a way to accept this, nor can I find a way to believe that I am safe in this marriage anymore. I also have concerns that I am enabling her to cheat again. Although, I don't think she intends to do that again but to me the damage is already done, what's even worse, and I think is the biggest issue is the way I perceive her. It is completely different now, all of the imperfections (not looks) I used to find adorable I now find annoying. I have been finding myself in a situation that I just don't like her anymore because I can't get past the pain of the betrayal what she has done to me. My question is do you think this way I feel about her is just a new normal? I also see that the vast majority of cheaters, cheat more than once... You know the old adage "once a cheater, always a cheater". I feel in my gut that leaving is the right thing to do for me, simply by staying am I enabling her? Is it worth my wellbeing staying in a relationship (that minus the infidelity is very healthy) in order to give my children, the happy home with united parents the way I have always desired for them to have? As a father, is this not a sacrifice that should be made? I would love to see your wisdom on both options (leaving or staying) and your wisdom would be much appreciated. Thank you for everything you have done and all the sacrifices you have made for us.

How to become dangerous?

You mentioned that the way to become dangerous is largely through the "logos" and mastering your speech. Can you please expand on that?

Thoughts on retirement

I am a woman, who will soon turn 70 - still working in my own company in the real estate line. I have already earned the money I need for living for the rest of my life. I am not sure when to retire or if I dare to retire at all. Whom will I be then? I am reluctant to let go. I'd love to hear your thoughts on retirement.