Ask Me Anything

with The Jordan B. Peterson Premium Podcast

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Society and Individual Potential

With the understanding that each individual is unique and valuable, and that by speaking truthfully and acting rightly, anyone may contribute significantly to the betterment of humanity, could western society do more to capitalize on this resource?

What's in your refrigerator?

I know you don't like talking about your diet. ..Or at least it appears that way. ..and it a seems to be because you don't want to give advice to eat the same way you do. But I am curious about if you eat various cuts of beef and if you clear your food storage of all the other various types of food.

Thoughts on the Red Pill community

What are your thoughts about the Red Pill community ? Do you think it’s problematic or beneficial to the community?

Can we start mapping the online landscape and learn how to use the internet responsibly as a culture?

We can conceptualise the city we live in because we understand the basic infrastructure: roads, houses, pubs, churches, gas stations, etc. When we compare this to the online landscape, we've barely started differentiating things. We have an oracle, but it can only tell us what we already know, because we don't know the words to ask it the proper questions. We're "tweeting a tweet on Twitter", so we've learned how to tweet, but the only thing we can use to contextualise that, is Twitter itself. Some things are even more vague, what is it exactly we do on a "social media platform", how do we contextualise that? We can barely relate these things to anything in the real world. You could see this language as an indication that we're in the infant stages of mapping the territory. If we understood Twitter as a pub or just a public message board, we might not be so shocked about what people write there. So when we created the internet, we didn't create a technological metropolis, we created a jungle right next to mainstream culture. In a sense, we need to conquer nature again. Children have been playing in the jungle for over 20 years, creating their own tribes and cultures. You've become a wise-man to some, a devil to others. Can we start cultivating the jungle? Can we start creating ubiquitous language, so we can map the territory and consult the oracle, so we can actually find and understand each other? Can we get some adults and role-models in the room, some intergenerational dialogue, and create something resembling a functioning social hierarchy? I think we can make massive improvements as an online community. You understand language and how we create networks of categories to map spaces, do you think we could create a language to map the internet and provide the missing social context, so we can understand the internet as a culture? See also my question about ubiquitous search keywords and hashtags. Thank you and godspeed!

Appreciation, Greg Ellis vid, gratitude

Hi Dr. Peterson Sorry for this diatribe. I wanted to talk to someone and you are the best. One of the "true few" speaking the truth exclusively. Bringing Rex back to the front, top. I am a dedicated servant for New Brunswick. DBA, Data specialist with > 25 years extensive private corporate, and government specialist experience. I work for the government now. I love us. I work for us all now exclusively. I will do this for New Brunswick, Canada, and Canadians, until they take it away from me. Recently, under duress, I ultimately succumb to an unethical ultimatum, to get two injections of what I consider a questionable, undisclosed concoction of liquid garbage with limited liability. I only have so many fingers to stick red flags too, as I wave my hands in the air to everyone in an emergency Covid vaccine lineup. Anyway, I personally believe, be it correct or incorrect, that God has my back. Ultimately, I had little choice. I got it. Fine. Another subjection. Throw it on the pile. I am going through a wicked bad divorce, from a genius, empathy devoid, punishing, psychopath. I am divorcing my powerful corporate big wig exceptional wife, and naively employed a powerful expensive female lawyer. This is NOT recommended for various specific, meaningful, sexist "sounding" speculations. Mary left me after my new cane exposed her as a bigot. My MS put me into a new cane. Mary did not find God's MS joke as funny as I did. I couldn't see her like she is, despite being intimate and dedicated and monogamous for 22 years. Tried and failed easy rich life. I was blindsided quick, before winter at my 3 season spot, in exclusion. I am resourceful and winterized it. Survived against her plans? I had a prophetic vivid vision of a cure/system for MS. One glimpse of a vision, Imprinted upon forever, with still meaningful realizations periodically ever since. A disease, that is crippling me, is worse than death everywhichway. I am not allowed to treat this with what God has given me In my belief, God personally told me about a cure. God told me one time: “the cure is within” Strait from God. I believe it. That is all that matters to me and my spirituality would require explaining.. I want to cure me with what is presently within me. Seems easy for someone such as me. I lost my spot on earth, my kids, and my life because an alternative life without me is so obviously superior. I still have to live with me, so I want some of the value for that beautiful House I bought. MS sucks and I can deal with change with grace. 22years of devotional servitude. I would rather die and collect meaningful data than sit and die for nothing. My vision includes a new national Indigenous Health Data AI Network. A large compartmentalized idea, with many architected moving parts and building blocks towards a whole. Big plans, almost ground into dust, subjected and dealing with significant passive aggressiveness. "Science" needs to loosen up. This covid science is gobblie gook. Show me any evidence of pathogen in isolation, or don't tred on me. Thank you for casting your especially BRIGHT special light over the enlightenment evolution. Shine that light on everything Jordan. Show what is everywhere. Thank you for allowing me to finally see some of the operative stuff. Thank God for you Jordan. Enlightenment spot light. I am so thankful for someone who is adamant concerning truth. Explicit clarification, if required. God bless you man. Brian Ehler BE