Ask Me Anything

with The Jordan B. Peterson Premium Podcast

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Big 5 and Aspects

What is a good way to operate when the two aspects differ significantly from each other? For example, my Orderliness is 86th percentile while Industriousness is 15th percentile.

How to deal with High Neuroticism while trying to live a meaningful life?

What advice do you have for someone who is high in openness to pursue their creative outlet but are also high in neuroticism & low in conscientiousness? The man feels compelled to do more than his 9-5 job because he wants to live out his creative outlet as a career and make a living off of it. His creative spirit is crying to be called upon and pursued to live a meaningful life, but he is confused, unsure, and fearful.

Monogamy and abstinence

Hi, I am 27. I have decided to work as hard as I can to be in the best position career wise. I have no issu working 60+ hours and develope skills to become wealthy. I notice men who are in a stable relationship achieve more than people who are going parten to partner. Problem is this, I don't want to marry right now and don't want to engage in casual sex either because I think it's my responsibility to not enable people who wish to do it. But I do acknowledge the physical need men have to reproduce. How do you think I should go about this?In future I would love have kids and marry. I just want to be financially stable before I marry.

Monogamy and abstinence

Hi, I am 27. I have decided to work as hard as I can to be in the best position career wise. I have no issu working 60+ hours and develope skills to become wealthy. I notice men who are in a stable relationship achieve more than people who are going parten to partner. Problem is this, I don't want to marry right now and don't want to engage in casual sex either because I think it's my responsibility to not enable people who wish to do it. But I do acknowledge the physical need men have to reproduce. How do you think I should go about this?In future I would love have kids and marry. I just want to be financially stable before I marry.

Constitutional Crisis in Canada

Do you think you would run for Prime Minister of Canada? ….. OR Do you think you can make more positive political changes by being Jordan Peterson? I would like to take this time to thank you for bringing some opposition back to Canadian politics. See you in Saskatchewan May 10th. I have my tickets to see you!