Ask Me Anything

with The Jordan B. Peterson Premium Podcast

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Thank You, Thank You, Thank You

Today's date 3-2-2022 You answered my question of fluidity in personality posted on February 16th, 2022. I just wanted to say thank you so much for the thoughtful and thorough answer. I appreciate it. I would love to answer the question you posted in return, but that would take too much of your time on this Q&A segment. So I wasn't sure how to reach out to thank you. So I posted it in the same form. Thank you so much!

Crises as subjugation

Is it unique to our time that crises, be it war or pandemics or financial, are used by ruling class to subjugate the masses? And why do people gravitate to victimhood therein?

Battling nihilism for cops

What advice do you have for those of us working in law enforcement and/or first responders battling nihilism. Sometimes it is a challenge thinking anything matters when you see the worst in humanity all the time.


How about reflecting the psychology of the GENEA - the society form of the ancient Greeks, Germanics and many others, which formed a splitted power pyramid with a tribal elite and an enslaved family mass -, in which the traditional tribal society was destroyed and transformed into the modern family based society? How about comparing sane tribal psychology with the typical educationally traumatized and socially neuroticized familiy pathology? How about reflecting, that our family society form is an artificially enforced construct, that deforms human social nature? How about reflecting the historical validity or invaiidity of nowadays psychology´s assumptions about human nature? How about looking beyond the culturally invented super-ego-archetypes of C.G. Jung and exploring our natural socialization archetypes (IT)) of nowadays Freudian schools? Wouldn´t it be interesting to question psychologically the social basement of our current civilization and compare it with tribal societies to find out, which system creates more or less psychological pathologies or sanities? Creative greetings from Freigeist von Lebenskunst - evolutionary philosopher, studied archeologist and practizing futurist

End of Soviet empire and/or end to American Empire ?

Please interview Michael Malice, a Russian who knows the Soviet history intimately. He lived it. His family fled Russia. You have interviewed Michael Malice before. His grasp of history is is astounding. Author of "Dear Reader." Perhaps you might interview Lex Fridman? Also a Russian who migrated to the U.S. These two people might have a different set of verifiable facts. You interviewed a "neo-con." Neo-cons have been beating the war drum for every military intervention by the U.S. since the collapse of the Soviet Union. The facts which Dr Kagan left out, his disdainful language, probably had your instincts on full alert. Thank you for trying so hard to reach back into history and dredge up facts, and motivations for these endless wars. Neo-cons seek an American empire.