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with The Jordan B. Peterson Premium Podcast

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Recommended sources

To Dr Peterson, I am currently trying to construct a hypothesis that tries to psychologically link anti-social children, psychotic/sociopathic personalities, serial killers, terrorists, and dictators. I have read a large amount of the books on your recommended reading list. In addition to the readings you have suggested, your podcasts, my own readings and some academic papers, I have not found any sources that really looks at the relationship between the above factors. Can you please suggest some resources that may be helpful?


Why would/should a young guy choose(key word) to be out in the elements for 10 hrs a day/ endure uncomfortable conditions vs a relatively speaking cozy office job?

Left overthrows the left

The West has come to accept, possibly welcome the death and rebirth of generational values. Through the study of our own history we attempt to ease the struggle of chaos and order to facilitate positive change. It is by our own inherent fear of tyranny that we facilitate our own demise. How much longer do western ideals last if this continues ?

Audio setup?

Esteemed Dr. Peterson, you have been very public about your fondness of music. Your logo is a piece titled "the Meaning of Music." Your videos feature an excerpt of Mozart for the intro and outro. You've done podcasts on music with Samuel Andreyev and Akira the Don. You even dabble in playing music from time to time. It's clearly important to you, if not vitally so. That got me wondering, what sort of audio equipment or sound setup do you have at home? Headphones? Desktop speakers? Bookshelf speakers? Tower speakers? Do you have a library of songs on your hard drive? Do you have a collection of cassette tapes, vinyl records, or CDs? Are you subscribed to any streaming services? In other words, what does Jordan Peterson's relationship to music consist of at an equipment level? Reason I ask is, I work at a hi-fi audio shop selling items like speakers, amplifiers, and turntables, and while these are supposedly "luxury" goods, I would argue they are essential. Maybe not essential like your refrigerator is essential, but good audio gear will enrich your life like no other technology can. If you don’t have a space set aside for listening to music, you ought to consider arranging a dedicated music room in your home. Imagine a pair of floorstanding speakers, a rack housing the amplifier and other components, a chair, and no distractions. A reference setup for critical listening becomes a limitless portal to art, culture, and beauty.

Falling in love - a window to the future?

I've had this notion for a long time, that falling in love is nature's way of allowing us to get a glimps into a possible future. When a man (since I am a man) falls in live with a woman, nature seems to send a divine message that "you two would be great together, with beautiful and healthy children". I was also wondering why men fall in love in than divine moment when their admired woman smiles/laughs.... the smile of a beautiful woman can be enough to make a man fall in love. At the same time woman report to value sense of humor highly in men. I figure, if you as a man can make a woman laugh/smile, its the shared "sense" that made the joke work, meaning the reward fir the joke is the divine smile, but the shared basis for it all is the sense, both participants share. If its there, the joke can cause the smile, making the man fall in love. If the joke worked, it may all work. What do you think?