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with The Jordan B. Peterson Premium Podcast

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Opine on Homeschooling and John Taylor Gatto

I was hoping to get your opinion on Homeschooling versus traditional education, any tips on how to structure a program, and the potential problems and pitfalls one should be wary of. After reading John Taylor Gatto, specifically Weapons of Mass Information, and Dumbing us Down, my wife and I have been strongly considering Homeschooling. I was wondering if you were familiar with his work and had any opinions on his hypothesis. Thank you for all the help and contributions to making the world a better place!

Indigenous Australian mythology

Dear Dr. Peterson, I have enjoyed your lectures on interpreting the bible and other myths but I have not seen any of your lectures mention Indigenous "The Dreaming" stories. Will you consider interpreting those myths in the future considering Aboriginal culture has survived and been passed down by word of mouth. for more than 60,000 years? Thank you

Jordan Peterson and the Jewish star

The Jewish star are two triangles that intersect one pointing up and one pointing down. In Jewish philosophy it symbolizes the soul struggling between heaven and hell and being pulled in each direction. I think Jordan Peterson has discovered the titles of the points of the triangle pointing downward and pointing up. The downward triangle points represent arrogance deceit and resentment. The upward triangle points represent humility truth and gratitude. What do you think of that Jordan Peterson


Hi Jordan, What is your opinion about Neurofeeback sessions for a 7 years old to help him with his behaviour Thats called out in school (seeks too much attention and not respecting rules). Thanks for all what you do, your work has been tremendously helpful!

Thoughts on Ayn Rand

Are you surprised with how the society portrayed in Atlas Shrugged seems to be eerily coming to fruition? Do you see utility in her objectivist philosophy in navigating the world today?