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with The Jordan B. Peterson Premium Podcast

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Does the future authoring program work if you have BPD?

I heard you say that BPD is a disorder where people are unable to implement any solution and it rings completely true to me. I'm very smart, I can tell you exactly what the problem is, and I can tell you what I can do to fix it, but it seems completely useless because it stays in the stratosphere of reflection; it's disconnected from an actual acting self. My psychiatrist said he's concerned I'll fail the BPD program (even though I haven't started yet) so I'm looking for alternative solutions.

Hello, Dr. Peterson :)

If men have to "earn access to women", as you've put it in one of the lectures of yours I've seen, what do women have to "earn access" to, how do they have to earn that access, and what are some red flags that she's not the type of woman that a man should allow to access... whatever it is?? Thank you.

Why would someone start many good habits only to replace them with worse ones than they previously had?

What could make someone prone to starting good habits quickly and often, only to abandon them for different, bad habits in a short period of time? I'm talking about someone that tries to, and by all measures, seems to, 'get their life together' often, only to 'mess it up' with bad habits/bad associations. Examples could be: Seeming to be renewed by a sense of self worth, only to get into another damaging relationship, starting an exercise regimen and sticking to it for a month, only to gain the weight back (plus some), starting a new diet and then quitting it a month later, starting a new job but getting fired within 6 months, etc.

Cultivating Creativity

Is it possible to cultivate creativity? If so, what is the process?

Hello, Dr. Peterson :)

I've been trying to figure out why I'm so Neurotic (NEUROTICISM - 87th percentile, WITHDRAWAL - 91st percentile, VOLATILITY - 77th percentile) and it struck me within the last half hour while I was dealing with the inconvenience of road construction on my way home from work that my reaction(s) to it could be summed up, at least partially, in two ways: "why should I have to deal with this?", and "[it] shouldn't be this difficult" - (While the second one could be applied specifically, I did also notice it could be extrapolated into a generally applicable sentiment). With an eye towards deconstructing those statements, that come across and feel like expressions of neurotic drives - that I'd like to retire and grow out of - what are your thoughts? Thank you :)