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with The Jordan B. Peterson Premium Podcast

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The field of neuromodulation

Dr Peterson, firstly it was an honor to meet you in Indy last night. We greatly appreciated how gracious you were with your time! I had hoped to have the time to ask you about what your thoughts are on the burgeoning field of neuromodulation. For all the topics you discuss on your podcast I was curious if this was on your radar? Thank you and that was indeed a lovely Omega! -M and A

Can I be who god told me I am

I recently had a strange experience in which I met God and the Devil. I was always a believer in God but not religiously. They answered a lot of questions. It was weird. They let me trust my instincts. I have very good instincts (always have but know I trust them 100%) They told me to value my time (even more than I already have. And now I live with the anguish that I am not doing the right thing with my time. My question is ¿How can I trust what is in me when no one else understands but myself? And how can you Jordan, understand my story? (You must know who I am to truly understand the question)

Career Advice for Theoretical Mathematician

I am a theoretical mathematician in the last year of my PhD. I enjoy the research that I am doing and have some level of competence in my area of study. I do not want to stop doing mathematics research after I graduate. While I am competent and connected enough to pursue a postdoc position after graduating, I have decided not to for two reasons. First, academic environments are highly political and toxic. I am sure that you have experienced this yourself. I don't want to spend my entire life working in a den of snakes. Second, the financial situation of the US is rapidly deteriorating and the salary offered by a postdoc is not appropriate for the stage of life I am entering. I have decided to go to industry and have made steps towards that goal, like pursuing internships, etc. During these internships, I have realized that its difficult to sustain meaningful creative mathematical work while working a demanding industry research position. I am afraid that I will die a mathematical death after graduating, that my skills will began to erode and I won't have the time or energy to put in the work needed to continue down this path. Do you have advice for someone who wants to pursue creative work in a demanding and competitive field, but is constrained by the economic realities of life?

Have you considered looking at Maps of Meaning/Biblical Interpretation through the lens of Game Theory?

Hi Dr Peterson, you talk a lot about Morality emerging through evolution. Have you ever tried to look at this from a different perspective? e.g. Game Theory - where Survival of the fittest is the game, and Morality is the archetypal most ideal strategy. This lines up well with Bret Weinstein's theory of Lineage selection which is a bioevolutionary perspective of the same thing. And you can even look at the bible through this lens, where the bible explains the same concept through a psychological/mythical perspective.

Can my obsession with ideas make me money?

I'm obsessed with ideas, have been for 15 years (I'm 27). I'm earning a humanities degree so far 4 classes in I have a 4.0 GPA, finally proud of myself. But I really don't know where it will take me. I'm hoping I can make money with this degree. My goal is to buy a house in a market that induces prolonged debt/slavery(? For lack of a better phrase). I'm curious what you would have to say about a humanities degree at the current state of things. I would love to be a creative, but my poetry is dark, sad and probably not a money maker.