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with The Jordan B. Peterson Premium Podcast

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Being refunded but not debited

Hello, I have been “refunded” $16.45 three times on 9th September 23:31. I think there is something wrong as I have only paid once for my membership in August and haven’t requested any refunds. Thanks, Aline Marubayashi

Self-authoring, narrative and delusion

Dear Dr Peterson, I am suspicious of myself. If I want something, I wonder whether I should want it - whether it's GOOD to want it. If I try to talk myself into having confidence necessary to pursue a goal, I wonder whether I'm delusional in my confidence. Where is the line between positive self-narrative and delusion? Is it when the world pushes back? But sometimes the world will push back even if you're right, and sometimes it won't push back even when you're wrong - at least not immediately, and damage can be done in the meantime. I have deluded myself before, much to my detriment. I don't care to repeat the experience. How might I light that fire in my belly, to think that I am the one to do what nobody else is doing despite my deficits, without being foolish? How can I know if I'm lying to myself about my capacities before I start on a lengthy and difficult project? Thank you.

Are you familiar with this frame of reference?

I assume you are familiar with The Social Dilemma. There's a conversation on How Social Media Warps Creators with one of The Social Dilemma creators - Tristan Harris. Are you familiar with this frame of reference? I believe many wouldn't mind you inviting Tristan on your podcast.

Listened to Lex Fridman Interview; was struck by Grad. School/fear of death

Hello Dr. Peterson, I am not at all suicidal nor do I idealize death in any way, but much like you, during my time in postgraduate schooling (law; I’m 32) I have been feeling the crunch of time on my shoulders nearly exactly as you described in your past. Do you have any short advice for me on rooting out why this has occurred? (For reference I am Above 80% openess, moderate conscientious , highly extroverted, moderate/low agreeableness, and low neuroticism) Because of the former, I don’t think it’s a obsession, could it be a spiritual tie? Thanks. Best wishes, you are an awesome person.

Interpretation of Beethoven's 5th - 1st movement

Hope this isn't a pompous question, but when I listen to Beethoven's 5th symphony, specifically the 1st movement I think of your life- the ups & downs, triumphs & tribulations- always ascending, moving forward and upward no matter how bleak or painful or difficult. Through it all, you seem to me to have become totally fearless; just like how the music comes back stronger after ever downturn. It is an inspiring thing to witness. Anyway, I'm sure you've heard it, but do you have any thoughts/interpretations?