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Beware of Unearned Wisdom...

Dr. Jordan Peterson, seven years ago I had a religious experience that was in the beginning overwhelmingly terrifying, profound, and all-consuming but in the same experience cosmically unifying, unconditionally loving, and fantastically bliss-full. My words fail in describing the experience but the shortest way I can characterize this experience without going into too much detail is by a phrase being, "The day I walked with God. It took six of them seven years to fully understand the experience (to the extent I have) but before the experience I meditated on a question I wanted hypothetically "answered" and that question being, What is it all about? The "it" being human life and existence. Again without going into too much detail basically what the experience taught me and the wisdom I was gifted and/or cursed with was, (whatever you do in life, commit fully or in other words, get off the damn fence or you're going to miss this beautiful experience called life by wallowing in your dreadful suffering directly induced by your lack of ability to commit to anything!) I had so many interests at a young age I was pulled in so many different directions so I never fully committed to anything. At that time of my life (time of the experience) and especially in the years afterwards I wasn't in a good place in many ways largely because of my own doing and/or lack of doing or lack of committing. Furthermore because I had obsoletely zero religious substructure (ideologically speaking) to put this experience I was sent into a whirlwind of obsession seeking to descover the why of existence and the meaning of life in a misguided way with little to no success. That was until I came into your work and something about it, (largely being your biblical lectures) helped that experience click into focus for me, helped me understand it at a ever deeper, more significant, more applicable level. I believe what these experiences do for people is present the wisdom of the Ideal per se and everything the Ideal consist of but just in a personalized condensed experiential form, but in my case because I was so far away from everything the ideal implies I had absolutely nowhere to put it, no way of understanding it, no ability to grasp the teachings within in it and apply them or in other words because I was presented with at that time "unearned wisdom" I was sent into that whirlwind I explained above. My question is, what do you think about my diagnosis of the warning in the phrase "Beware of Unearned Wisdom"? Also could you go more in depth of your view of why this phrase/ideal is so important?

Rock, star, human

Ever found use in astrological perspectives on personality? How could the big five and astrology work together to help tell people how to live their life?

Future authoring question

Hi Dr Peterson. I'm trying to do the future authoring program and really like your message to millennials video. The first step is orientate yourself to the good, I don't think I'm a good person and I don't know what's good for me. I've seen you say to do the future authoring badly in terms of writing and effort but will the program still work if I aim towards something like the good since I don't know how to identify it. Secondly do I need an aim before reading the books recommended or will just reading them do good. Thanks

Fight Club movie/Book

I had asked questions on Prof.John Mearsheimer and fool proof understandmyself test. Sorry,I apologise for asking one more,I hope not to take a lot of your time. You had once expressed your views on Fight Club,a childhood favourite of mine,would you be willing to give a longer or better explanation after looking into the video "fight club&Nietzsche:overcoming emasculation" by antioptic and the author Chuck Palahnuiks view on it in JRE and maybe a metaphorical explanation like for lion King,Pinocchio as it is a more relevant movie for the modern men in a sense,I love what you do with Carl Jungs works.Thanks❤️

When is the Hamza Yusuf podcast going to be released

About a year ago you scheduled a podcast with Hamza Yusuf and it was canceled because (I think) you were sick. Have you guys rescheduled it? If so, when will it come out. Also please do more than 1 podcast with him. They will be so interesting. You guys are like minded people and I'm sure you will want to talk to him more. Also he's so knowledgeable that you can't just have 1 conversation with him.