Ask Me Anything

with The Jordan B. Peterson Premium Podcast

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How to become more conscientious?

I took the Big 5 personality test and the results appear to suggest my personality holds me back in achieving my goals. 2.5 years ago I started building two technology start ups while also finishing my PhD in chemistry, my family thought I was mad but in the end I finished my PhD (albeit 12 months late) but I seeded and helped build two thriving startups in carbon capture ( mission zero technologies) and water electrolysis (Supercritical Solutions). 2 years ago my personality score was 80, 5, 60, 36, 87 for agreeableness, conscientiousness, extraversion, neuroticism and openness. I find it amazing I have achieved what I have given my difficulties in orderliness and industriousness, I suppose it's mitgated by a deep conviction that there is nothing more important to work on - I am reaching towards the highest good. I did the test again recently and my scores have moved in directions perhaps more favourable to my pursuits, 68, 20, 69, 10, 92 for agreeableness, conscientiousness, extraversion, neuroticism and openness. In the conscientiousness domain my industriousness has increased from 7 to 50 but my orderliness remains unchanged. As a director of my company I can see how my orderliness and mediocre industriousness can hold me back, especially when I'm tired or stressed. You have talked about assertivness training for people high in agreebleness who seek higher salary, what would you recommend for people low in conscientiousness who desire to be higher so that they can thrive in situations such as mine?

Helping a partner with depression

My partner has been struggling with depression for many years and sometimes I feel lost with what to say and do to help when she occasionally starts feeling and saying negative things. I support and encourage her to pursue her goals no matter how small, but sometimes I feel I am not doing enough to help. I love (and like) her deeply and want to be able to do more in helping her deal with her depression. She doesn't harbour any negative feelings towards me and knows I really want to help, her issues stem from her feeling that she is inadequate, and constantly not achieving what others around her are. Any advice you can give is truly appreciated. Thank you for all your impactful work Dr Peterson.

How do you learn to forgive your own mistakes?

Ive been improving a lot recently but I ended up making a mistake and hurting people in my family that matter a lot to me, how do I learn to forgive myself while listening to their misgivings?

Past Authoring Difficulty, Childhood Trauma

Every time I approach the past authoring it becomes very difficult to progress due to reliving early childhood trauma. How do you recommend I proceed? Thank you.

Thoughts on SSRIs

I’m aware there are various YouTube clips available in which you share some thoughts on SSRIs, however these seem to be fairly old now. I’m wondering if you could share your current thoughts on the pros and cons of the various ways they are used, and if your illness has changed your thoughts on pharmaceutical interventions. Many Thanks