Ask Me Anything

with The Jordan B. Peterson Premium Podcast

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When are we seeing a lecture series on Exodus?

How can I be less dramatic?

I'm prone to high drama. Every time my husband and I have an argument, it feels like our family's going to collapse for example. I've watched myself and this does not appear to be a relationship-specific problem. I'm like this all the time! This makes my life unnecessarily painful and it takes me a very long time to recover from small conflicts/upsets. Any advice would be greatly appreciated by me andmy long-suffering husband :-)

Thoughts on retirement

I am a woman, who will soon turn 70 - still working in my own company in the real estate line. I have already earned the money I need for living for the rest of my life. I am not sure when to retire or if I dare to retire at all. Whom will I be then? I am reluctant to let go. I'd love to hear your thoughts on retirement.

How do I stop thoughts of murder?

I keep having thoughts about killing the people who humiliated me in high school. I'm currently undertaking a graduate degree and my intrusive thoughts wont let me move on. What do I do? Please help.


In the corporate world of profit when and how much should you give back ? When is profit considered greed? Is greed only about money? Can power be in the mix with greed? Thank you for sharing yourself with the world . I really enjoy how your fans really love you , me included! John