Ask Me Anything

with The Jordan B. Peterson Premium Podcast

Ask a question

A brief suggestion…+++

What is blindingly clear from the most cursory review of even a fraction of the questions you (JBP) have so far received…is that you could spend hours…days…weeks…responding to many of the requests that have been made here. You have…by your own efforts…built a worldwide community of like-minded individuals. Unfortunately many in that community need support that you are not in a position to provide. A forum could not only meet (some of) that need…but could also expand your message significantly. Another suggestion might be to create a program / structure that would enable individuals who are within the same locality to arrange formal meet-up groups wherein the issues you raise could be discussed in-person…support structures could be provided where necessary…even opportunities for proselytization, political action, and outreach could be developed (this is already occurring informally online…this would simply be a way to formalize it IRL). This might involve a separate online subscription area where interested individuals could sign-up as well as formal suggestions and guidelines for meet-up programs including study materials based on your lecture series etc. etc. etc. The point is…there are lots of ways for you to expand your message and provide support without you having to do all the heavy lifting.

Joseph Campbell

How does your work blend with that of Joseph Campbell? Where do you agree and disagree?

Ayn Rand

What is your take on Ayn Rand, her works, and philosophy?


What, if any, are facets of the experience of someone who has had severe depression that could prove beneficial?

A brief suggestion

You could probably spend an entire year just answering the questions you've already got (how many days since you started this thing????). A suggestion to engage your supercast subscribers...start a moderated forum where members can interact and contribute so you (Jordan) don't have to bear so much of the burden. There are some VERY substantial demands being placed on your time, thoughts, and feelings here. Demands which no single human being can be expected to manage (and it's all-but certain that those demands are only going to multiply). A forum would provide an opportunity for like-minded individuals to support each well as an opportunity for you (Jordan) to observe, interact, and participate, on a much more manageable level.