Ask Me Anything

with The Jordan B. Peterson Premium Podcast

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Respect for social institutions vs. Creativity

Dear Dr. Peterson, I am extraordinarily high in openess (98th percentile) and very high in orderliness (83rd percentile). My respect for social instiutions seems to contribute a lot to my fear of fully pursuing my creative outlet. How to leverage my orderliness and use it in my quest for aesthetic and intellectual achievement ?

New father needing guidance

I completely changed my worldview thanks to your material. I got married and now have a beautiful baby boy that is 1 year old. My wife is finding all sorts of people on Instagram that are influencing how we are raising our child. My gut instinct is telling me that perhaps we are being over nurturing and not providing enough discipline. We are both compassionate and high in agreeableness so it is easy for us to take the more compassionate route. For example, my son is very determined and he gets frustrated quite easily, my wife believes that if he cries, no matter what the cause, must be picked up and nurtured immediately. I feel somewhat the same way but my instincts are constantly telling me that we may be over nurturing him. I was wondering if you can recommend any individuals with a scientific background whose material may be able to layout a practical guide to some of the everyday scenarios of raising a child?

Virtual Learning

How important is it to learn in-person, face to face, then through a camera? Is there a point in human development where there’s no difference?

Kids Vaccine

What is the role of parents if they’re facing a decision to chose between a vaccine (they may or may not want) and the child’s ability to live their life; go out, do things?


I’ve been thinking a lot about the generative force of nature as the union of opposites…as the Ouroboros. Symbolically, the opposites are “Being” and “Nonbeing.” To understand these as One, however, leads me to understand myself as the knowable part (call that subjective experience) and the unknownable part (call that God). What do you think of the idea that the known part corresponds to “Being” or “Consciousness” and the unknowable part the “Unconscious”? I do not mean that the Unconscious = God exactly, but something more like the union of the Conscious and Unconscious = God.