Ask Me Anything

with The Jordan B. Peterson Premium Podcast

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Hope is a very fundamental and positive motivator. Yet, I don't recall anywhere in your lectures where you address "hope" directly. How does hope intersect with your way of thinking?

Receiving advice

What is it about us humans that we can take advice from some people and not others, and the area of expertise of the giver of advice is varied and almost irrelevant. I would take advice from a doctor about a disease He/she's Never had, but I won't easily take marriage advice from a priest who also has no direct experience my subject but has studied just as a doctor has for his/ her profession. We would take advice from a friend but not our parents, although the advice may be the same. We are constantly searching for someone who has lived our similar trouble so they can understand but then will go see a psychologist who hasnt lived our troubles necessarily. What gives?

New Testament

I've listen to your biblical lectures, time and time again. I always seem to discover and learn something new every-time. I was wondering if you would consider doing lectures of the same type in the context of the New Testament and the story of Jesus? Also A great book that I always read is "The Sermon of the Mount" by Emmet Fox, I'd love to hear your thoughts on that. Lastly I'd like to say thank you, your work has been a tremendous force in my life. I was the king of my own little hell and now I'm a servant to meaning. Thank you.

How to stay motivated when extremely low in positive emotion?

Agreeableness: 29th Conscientiousness: 69th Extraversion: 2nd Neuroticism: 5th Openness to Experience: 92nd Above are my results from I'm a software developer and I've always wanted to start a business of my own. I see opportunities for software products almost everywhere and often I'll build prototypes during my free time. Often, after I'm done prototyping I get bored of the idea or I'm unsure how, or unwilling to take my ideas to the next level. How might I end this cycle? Do I find an extroverted partner to keep me on the right track, and what other strategies would you recommend? Thank you.


I used to work alot. chasing I don't know what. I thought getting the house,kids and wife would make it better but it just feels numb all the time. I've tried slowing down on work and be in the moment but nothing I try seems to work and time just keeps flying. I would just like to ask what is going on and if it is normal?