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with The Jordan B. Peterson Premium Podcast

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Soon to be Married

Greetings Dr. I am getting married soon and my wife does not want to have children. She is very scared of pregnancy and the idea of birth. I understand her fear and do not think it is unjustified, but I would like to have children at some point in my life. We are both in our twenties and I hope that we can address her fear so we can experience parenting. Do you have any recommendations? Thank you, Dr.

The Spirit of Abraham

One of the things I learned from your biblical lectures on Abraham was the utility of entering the land of the stranger. Among other things it is an embodied act of confronting the unknown and coming away transformed. You are now doing your second tour, living constantly in the land of the stranger. Can you share whether this tour or the last transformed you, and if so, the manner in which it has happened?

How to deal with your past malevolence?

How can I come to terms with the “evil” I have been a part of in my life? I was bitter and resentful about people, and life in general, based on my experience of betrayal, abuse, and neglect from key family members. This lead me down a destructive path from which I have been actively recovering from for the past 6 years. Through consistent CRM therapy, and more recently, abstinence from alcohol, I have began to have clarity and purpose in my life. I’m still haunted by what I perceive as the terror and havoc I created in the world, and I physically feel it more since leaving alcohol behind. How can I begin to put these feelings to rest and confront the shadow within?

Blockbuster Conversation?

Would you consider a podcast with David Brooks?

Upbringing for immigrants parents

Hello, I am an immigrant living in Canada. Do you believe that transmitting parents culture to kids is good thing? If yes, why? How to make sure that kids still feel Canadian? What mistakes should we avoid to ensure the kid won’t have identity issues?