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with The Jordan B. Peterson Premium Podcast

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"Scent of a Woman" - Archetypes and examples set for Men

Dr. Peterson, thanks for all you do? I am a long time follower of your and appreciate how you make so much available for folks like me to consume, critically think about, and use to make me a better person. I've listened to your biblical lecture series, a lot of your podcasts, read your books, and just finished the Origin and History of Consciousness. When I step back and think about it, the things you discuss are present in nearly everything. It's wild. If you have seen the movie Scent of a Woman, I'm curious to your thoughts on it as good example of Archetypes and also a good story for the challenges of becoming a man? I love your lectures highlighting movies like Harry Potter, Lion King, and Beauty and the Beast and how these movies capture archetypes and the human developmental journey, especially some of the key qualities of becoming a man. Scent of a woman is captivating to me. It is all dialogue and I cannot help but connect to your lectures on how powerful words can be if used properly. There is also consciousness development, the tension of good vs. evil, the story of Cain and Abel, Nihilism, and the idea of Truth. Always tell the truth, or at least don't like.

When the Left goes TOO far

In light of the past two years of COVID lockdowns and the accelerating spread of radical left ideology throughout the west, has there been any change in your understanding of the precise circumstances under which the left goes too far? This is among the most important questions to which we need answers, but at what point do we draw a line in the sand and say "enough is enough"?

A Mapping of Clinical Psychology

Hello Dr. Peterson, I recently tried to obtain help with addressing my morbid obesity. I looked through the directory on Psychology Today but didn't understand most of the profiles so I just went with nearest available psychologist with a PhD. After taking your personality test and watching most of your lectures online, I thought I might be prepared to talk to a clinical psychologist but I was wrong. We had five sessions and they were all frustrating because we disagreed on the purpose of therapy. I thought I was there for support in losing weight but she believed that the purpose of therapy was to be happier - which could have meant developing a positive body image and accepting obesity. I ended our relationship but I would still like support from a professional that shares my views on the importance of taking responsibility and aiming upwards. Can you please give an overview of the practice of present day clinical psychology? How common was your approach as a clinician? Are there keywords I can search for? What questions can I ask during the consultation? Is there anyone who has more to offer than mindfulness? Thank you, Bill

Bill 67 Educator Response

As a secondary school teacher in Ontario, I am extremely concerned with the legislation of Bill 67. What will concerned educators be able to do to push back against this ideological policy?

How do I courageously live a meaningful life while high in neuroticism?

What would you recommend for someone who is high in openness to pursue their creative outlet but are also high in neuroticism? I feel compelled to do more than my 9-5 job but I tend to feel anxious and fearful about it. Youtubing or streaming would be fun to me, but since these types of careers are relatively new in society, I worry what others would say if I pursued it, mainly friends for some reason.