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with The Jordan B. Peterson Premium Podcast

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A New Unity

Your work clearly lays a formidable case for how the emerging Christianity unified and disciplined western cultures, sanctified the individual as the prime element in society, and the value of articulate true speech. Also your work plus Jung, Neuman suggests a broader human species evolution towards higher resolution understanding and powers of unification, harmony. My question is how, within this current tower of Babyl, do we facilitate/create the New Unity that moves what Christianity did to that new level of identity, of cooperative development that makes things better?

Low birth rates

Thank you, Dr. Peterson, for taking questions. Can you address the long-term effects of low birth rates? I am a procreationist and believe the earth can handle many more people than are on it. I see a population collapse pending, but what does that really mean for the world? Even Elon Musk is sounding the alarm. Thank you, Ellen McKinnon

Would you interview Richard Rohr?

Richard Rohr is a Franciscan monk based in Albuquerque, New Mexico. He has written extensively about Christian mysticism and spirituality. Before I knew anything about you I was reading the works of Rohr and found them to be very meaningful and helpful. I’m sure that a conversation between you two would be of great utility to a wide audience.

The Hero's Journey (for Women)

Hi Dr. Peterson, I'm a 32 year old woman, married, with two children. I've heard you speak quite a bit about the hero's journey and how that is a vital part of a man's journey to creating a fulfilling life for himself. You mentioned briefly in regards to Beauty and the Beast that the woman's version of the hero's journey is to civilize a man. I'm wondering if you can expand on this more. What does our hero's journey look like after this? I'm already happily married with kids and am wondering what is next for me. Beyond being the best mother possible, what is the "adventure" for us ladies? Thank you!

Relationship Intimacy

Dear Dr. Peterson, Currently, I am in an entanglement with a co-worker and things have progressed to a level of intimacy that any good Christian would deem as sin and pure and utter foolishness. As a Christian conservative, I am not embodying my values. Additionally, she is not a Christian and an atheist which is causing more tension. This internal conflict has been tugging at my very soul. I have always been against pre-marital sex and any level of intimacy outside of marriage. I am wondering if you can speak to psychological outcomes as a result of this entanglement. Thank you in advance :) Look forward to seeing you in Vancouver. Best, Daniel J. Simpson