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with The Jordan B. Peterson Premium Podcast

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Does it get any truer than observations of the night sky?

This should be our ultimate religion.

When telling the truth destroys the house

As a therapist, there are times when it is apparent that if my client were to tell the truth about his/her partner's behaviors or the patterns in the marriage, the marriage would not survive. (The partner is highly volatile, defensive, never wrong, etc.) So the client has chosen to stay silent and bide their time because there are children being raised. What is your advice?

The Human Experience & Choice.

What is the relationship between the Human Experience and choice, and how fundamental is it to the reality of the Human Experience?

God / Jesus - Equality of opportunity ;)

I've always been a Catholic but am unsure of a few things. When I got married (my wife is Japanese) I went to Japan a few times and it is interesting to see there is absolutely nothing Christian in Japan. It's like they never heard about it. I'm sure there are many other cultures like that. If God is for everyone, wouldn't be unfair to the Japanese (as to many others) that they don't have access to salvation? or, the opportunity to be part of the Christian faith? Aren't they all 'sinners' then? But how is that possible if you are born in a culture that doesn't know Jesus and God? Please help me connect the dots Mr. Peterson.

The victim and the perpetrator of betrayal.

You've often stated that the perpetrator of a betrayal has no right to further their abuse by elaborating more and telling the victim the truth of what took place. My question is what if the victim of the betrayal has an idea of what took place and wants to know in a more detailed sense everything that took place? Would the perpetrator be obligated and have the right to then concede the request? Would the victim be better off not knowing, therefore, shielding them from the pain involved or would it be better for the victim to know and I have everything out on the table for foreclosure's sake and for the sake of moving forward? Also, I'd like to thank you for all you've done to help me in my life. You not only saved the life of a man but you've also saved the life of a father of three, a husband, a son, and a brother. So you not only impacted my life but you've forever impacted the life have an entire family and for that, I nor my family could be more grateful. The world wouldn't be the same without you, keep fighting the good fight.