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with The Jordan B. Peterson Premium Podcast

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Jim Carrey

Dear Dr. Peterson This is not a question as much as it is recommendation, but in case you would be interested in examining the chaotic quest for meaning of someone who by all appearances is exceptionally high in openness, you should take a closer look at Jim Carrey and what he has gone through for the last 5 to 10 years. Interviews and short-form documentaries are easy to come by, and loosely documents him from a time when he was seemingly nihilistic to whatever state he is in now. One interview I would recommend in particular is “I needed color”, which shows the yearning as a very artistic process. If possible, the two of you could conceivably have a very enlightening conversation

Audience in the Southern United States...

I've been reading and listening to you for years. My wife and I also took your personality assessments both as individuals and as a couple. Wonderful stuff. I was born and raised and currently live with my wife and two young children in Nashville, Tennessee. On social media, it looks like you recently visited and had quite a good time. Being from Canada, I was delighted to see you down here in my hometown. Not knowing much about your audience demographic in the States, can you expand on the scope and scale of your audience in the traditional US South i.e. audience growth, gender, political affiliation, personality types? Do you know if your popularity skews towards the urban areas or more of the outlying areas? We are seeing a large shift in population demographics in our larger cities in the South and there has been a tonal change in dialogue that has not historically found a home here. Of course I welcome any and all perspectives but am interested in the migration to the South and any changes you might have seen in your personal audience. Also, any plans to tour here? We'd love to have you and I would personally be delighted to attend if you do plan on coming. Keep up all of the great work.

Dear Dr Peterson, Would you consider creating a dedicated means for fans to submit letters relating to Maps of Meaning & the Biblical Series?

I don't enjoy talking politics, but I am super interested in Maps of Meaning and the Biblical series. The jordanbpeterson website used to have a contact page where it states to submit letters to jbp's subreddit. Unfortunately that subreddit has become too politicised which means that any letter which isn't political in nature will get ignored by the community, which guarantees that Dr Peterson will never see those letters. Given how deep and important to life those topics are, Will there ever be a dedicated means to submit letters on those topics to Dr Peterson?

Helping a 28 year old female with her current relationship problem please?

Hello Dr. Peterson, Sorry for the extremely personal question, I hope my question can help others but I really feel distressed all the time now. I am currently in an apartment with my ex- boyfriend and feel stuck and hopeless. I broke up with him about a year ago for infidelity with a friend I've known since childhood so you can imagine I felt terrible. He is my first and only relationship of 8 years. I also dated him in highschool for a short period. I cannot financially leave and have nowhere to go. I am not intimate with him nor am I cruel to him and he is not cruel to me. We do still have mutual respect I guess. I spent all the extra money I had the past 2 and half years paying for nursing school which I started the exact time he cheated on me. This was a big reason I did not leave him after I found out. In the end of May I will finally be finished with my registered nursing program and I just feel nothing but sadness since all throughout my studies I been upset about his cheating while working full time. In hindsight I know I didn't want to deal with my emotions so I forgave him and ignored my feelings of resentment and sadness until about last August. We are technically broken up but he acts as though that is not the case and it really frustrates me, I feel trapped and don't want to say things out of anger. His parents do not know and I scream internally when they talk to me since it was over a year ago that I ended the relationship with their son. They are good people and don't want to trash talk their son to them. I feel like I would not be able to find another partner which would mean my wish to be married and have a family are basically gone. I feel too old now to have those things. I don't know what to do. In a way I feel like I don't want to lose him for good but I don't know of it's because I actually don't want to give up on our relationship that we had or if I am scared no one would want to be in a serious relationship with me. To add context this is not the first time he cheated on me with a friend, the last time was 7 years ago. This time he admitted it to me out of guilt. Sorry for such a personal question but I don't have any friends or family to talk to. I'm hoping my internet father can help me. I wish you the best and thank you.

What do you think of chatbots?

What would you think about a benevolent chatbot that serves as a mediator between you and yourself in the context of personal development and self-reflection?