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with The Jordan B. Peterson Premium Podcast

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Opine on Homeschooling and John Taylor Gatto

I was hoping to get your opinion on Homeschooling versus traditional education, any tips on how to structure a program, and the potential problems and pitfalls one should be wary of. After reading John Taylor Gatto, specifically Weapons of Mass Information, and Dumbing us Down, my wife and I have been strongly considering Homeschooling. I was wondering if you were familiar with his work and had any opinions on his hypothesis. Thank you for all the help and contributions to making the world a better place!

Inventing new technologies and building a Business

Hi Jordan, Hope you are well, and many thanks for being a beacon of hope for us. I am carrying the heaviest cross I could carry and would like to seek your advice about the challenges I am facing. Background: I am an Iranian origin and migrated to Australia in 2006. I am a very committed and creative person in nature with a long history of creating and inventing new technologies including a few patents. (to be exact: Openness to experience 94th percentile, Industriousness 98th percentile, Conscientiousness 99th percentile , Intellect 92nd percentile) In 2009, after watching a scene in Avatar I thought of a new smartphone technology and called it Teleporting Apps. The technology I built at the time, Apple, Google and Microsoft do not come close to it even today. The prototype was ready by year 2015 and presented it in Cebit 2016 in Sydney (links at the end). That was the point, I experienced the very harsh truth of even with a working prototype it was impossible to get funding to develop the product further. All investors I found, did not understand the technology, were small investors with very small budgets, or asking for full control of everything before contributing a cent ! To make matters worse the company I engaged from overseas, held the source code hostage and asked for a 20% share of the company. This was the final straw forcing me to put the project on hold. Current: Personally, I could not live without a heavy project to work on, I am currently working on a new technology for infrastructure security and resiliency. I am working on functioning V2 of it to bring it to the market soon. My question: I have many innovative practical ideas rushing in my head; many of them are a major step ahead for mankind. (eg: I have an idea that changes the concept of cars and makes Electric cars a thing of the past ) My challenge is, it seems there is no light at the end of the tunnel, my big break never comes to be a source of funds for my other ideas. There are so many moving parts in building a successful business that single handedly is very exhausting to manage everything and manage my small family. Although I am very grateful for what I have and more grateful for what I do not have, I am worried these ideas will never make it to life. I tried to bring partners onboard but their level of contribution is negligent and most people just want to be managers! I do not understand the concept of giving up, but hearing the success stories of others is much much easier than what I am experiencing. May I ask, can you please share your thoughts or direction if possible? Thanks Ali


As a devote male follower of The Christ. I ask from a phycological perspective. How may I maintain my holy covenant with The Father from a place of abstaining from marriage and sexual activity.

What do you think about how Jesus said not to resist an evil person?

“You have heard that it was said, ‘An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth.’ But I say to you, do not resist an evil person; but whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other to him also. If anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt, let him have your coat also. Whoever forces you to go one mile, go with him two. Give to him who asks of you, and do not turn away from him who wants to borrow from you. Matthew 5:38‭-‬42 I'm curious how you make sense of this. I cant reconcile it with what I've heard you say about integrating anger and learning to stand up for myself to keep from getting resentful, which I know is important. I asked my Dad about it and he pretended to punch a guy and said "You should give it to him, put him in his place! ..if you can. If not maybe you should turn the other cheek" 😆

The Law of One

Hello, Dr. Peterson. Long time listener, first time caller. I am wondering if you have read The Law of One material and, if you have, would you give us your view/take on it and how it impacts your own life. Thank you, Amy