Ask Me Anything

with The Jordan B. Peterson Premium Podcast

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How do I break the habit of addiction?

I have severe sugar addiction and can’t seem to break out of it. It’s embarrassing and I hide in the shadows. It’s a comforting escape but I’m ruining my life and chances of becoming pregnant. What can I do? What’s wrong with my head?

How to deal with women that thrive for attention at workplace?

I am a man, 38 years old, divorced, one child and a in a new and healthy relationship. I have a position of power in my workplace. There is a woman, my subordinate, that is really attractive, about 24 years old. Besides that she is very pleasant and kind, smiling most of the time. There is a downside, she seeks the attention of men with little gestures day by day. There is something I call "games", where her body language and overall behavior denotes the sexual interest in one of the many work colleagues, including me, her boss. One day I couldn't stand and after work time, called her out to a date, even knowing that I was wrong. To my surprise she didn't accept it and told she couldn't do it because I had a girlfriend. It came to my knowledge that another colleague, this time elsewhere in the office, where I am not the boss, the same situation happened. I am trying to map a way to deal with her, because she is one of the best employees I have. I am also trying to figure her out and why does she acts this way. Up to date the situation has not caused any issues for the company and for my sector specifically. Should I just let it go? See what happens as time goes on? Should I talk to her (I am afraid of this option, because she is a very good asset, as I said). Thank you.

Grief, and hoarding

What steps can I do to limit hoarding tendencies? When my husband died 9 years ago, our house was incredibly organized and tidy, even with 3 kids. After he passed, I lost control and filled his office, and all the spaces of the house with unnecessary purchases. I understand, I was attempting to fill an enormous void, so I could avoid those spaces. The situation became worse when I lost a dear Aunt, my father, mother and cousin all within 5 years. I kept a lot of their "stuff". It's now a problem, and my children (teens and early 20s) are helping me to purge. I'm ready now. What controls can I put in place to limit this behavior? You and Tammy were brilliant in Minneapolis!! Thank you. Jennifer

When do you contradict a lie?

One of the 42 rules is "Don't let bullies get away with it". I am wondering if there is a corollary like "don't let liars get away with it". A question that haunts me is: When do I correct a lie that I know to be wrong, and when do I 'just' let it go?

I can't comment 😕 😔

How come I can't comment on your telegram group? My name on telegram is @TSWEETWATER and @TJSweetwater My public page where I store information with other people from all over the world is.... My private group with vetted people from all over the world who are what they call "based" is..... I am just curious about why I am not able to communicate through telegram and your group on there? I can see the information that you post but can't contribute. I am not sure if it was a bot or something that I have done wrong? I am very much aware of the censorship and powers that be through Google as Dr. Robert Epstein discuss with Joe Rogan. So I am not exactly sure what is going on with your telegram group or if you are even aware of such a problem. There is no way to fully know if you are actually communicating with the real person on the other side in all honesty, unless you have a live video or voice call in this current situation going on all around the world with big tech. We have people talking to bots and don't even realize that fact on say Twitter and other platforms. I have been following you sir for years now and I ultimately have supported your content and share your thoughts and feelings about many things. I have shared your videos for years now in almost every social media platform that I interact with. So I kinda feel some type of way that someone would block me from communicating with or contributing to any of the conversations, especially when you and I both know and acknowledge the dangers of censorship and what problems it's currently contributing to. So I just spent my last 10 dollars for this pay period because I live currently paycheck to paycheck, biweekly. Just to try again " try" and " hope " that you will receive the's not about the money, I am just being completely honest with you sir. I have dedicated my life for the past 2 years straight trying to get the truth to the American peoples and in all honesty I am a construction worker who has literally been living on his own since the age of 12. I have had these gifts for which I can not articulate them in any way that would make you understand what I mean through text or typing words. I understand things a bit deeper than most people would ever like to admit let alone acknowledge or accept. Something that happened to me Dec 2020 literally changed my life in a very profound way and it was powerful and extremely disturbing at the same time. I don't know how else to say it but it definitely sounds crazy and I understand that it would and I also know that it did take place and it wasn't just something that normally happens in my opinion...This was a biblical experience as well as a telepathic, archetype , kind of out of this world type of experience and to be quite frank with you I am not exactly the Bible, religious type of person. I have alot of details on this and we'll really would love to just know what you think of this experience that did happen to me that ultimately corolates to our current problems in our world today. Please let me know if you can help or at least be willing to hear me out and let me know what you think it's meaning is. If anything at all lol... I am having a truly hard time even accepting that it took place let alone opening up to Dr. JORDAN B PETERSON about it and I ultimately have only told 3 people since then and on one of those occasions it was in a group voice chat on telegram and the response that I had received was even more hard for me personally to believe because multiple people from all over the world basically said that they had the same experience around the same time... I swear on everything sir, I swear on my child on God on my life that I am not crazy and I am just a regular person who goes to work and lives a humble life. I am or was an introvert for my entire life and I keep to myself. I swear to you that I am not making this up and I am being 100 percent open and honest with you. Please 🙏 for the love of God and any power greater than self Please believe me... I just wanted to take the shot in the dark for what ever reason to say it to someone like you in hopes of getting some sort of answer or much better educated opinions on the matter, because I believe that you have alot of information that you know through life experience that I have and understand things in a very specific way that isn't exactly easy or common for most people to be interested in let alone have passion for learning from and about. Either way thank you for everything that you have done and have tried to do and most of all thanks for pulling through the benzo issue because I have a very unfortunate but fortunate deep understanding of what that really looks like. And I am greatly grateful for you to make it out alive and safe as safe as it can be at least 🙏. I owe alot of my perception and understanding and life to people like you that have helped me remain clean and alive and willing to fight in my life today. So thank you Mr Peterson 🙏 sincerely in Solidarity thank you for everything that you are and who you are as a human being. I truly mean that from the very bottom of my heart and with every fiber of my body and spirit or soul. Ps.. sorry for the horrible grammar and sentence structure, being on my own since 12 I dropped out of school in the 9th grade of trade school and regularl high school. My upbringing wasn't very structured and it's not exactly a excuse it's just the way it has turned out for me personally thus far. I am an outdoorsman a hunter, fisherman, construction worker working for the railroad now, which I really despise currently. But I can do almost anything besides writing in correct grammar and the proper sentences ect..anything besides that and I can do it all lol..building, survival, substance abuse, psychology, nature, philosophy, art, music, history lol jack of all trades master of non but to not be a master of many is better than being a master of 1. Something like that lol Take care and blessings to you and your family and friends... Cheers, thanks