Ask Me Anything

with The Jordan B. Peterson Premium Podcast

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The nature of God

In your college lectures you've asked your students what does a God who is omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent lack? Your answer is "he lacks limitation". I’ve thought about this a bit and I think that's incorrect. I think God is bounded by the laws of nature and I don't think he can muck around with those laws without there being serious consequences. Plus I don't think God can produce falsehoods, which is what would happen if he starts changing those laws. With that being said there is a natural law called the Transitive Property of Equality, which states if A=B and B=C then A must equal C. So if Christ is a God and Chrsit was a man, then God must be man. So my question is what are the limitations of a God who is a man? Or better yet, considering statements you have made about not knowing the upper limits of someone who truly got their act together, what their life would be like? Could they transend themselves into a God? I would love your thoughts on that and thank you for your time.

Thoughts, on nicotine?

Hey Handsome, how did you quit nicotine? Replacement? Or cold turkey? Seems, to be a writers curse. Do you agree? Love ya Dr P.

Also… Im a male. If Alberts son is my sons father, what is the relationship between Albert and me?

Im a male. If Alberts son is my sons father, what is the relationship between Albert and me? I’d need a pen and a lot of paper. A trick that helps. 8mg of nicotine under the tongue, and a sprinkle of dexamphetamine. A writers cocktail. I couldn’t, answer this on the IQ test. Then. But I’d had a few, two many beers. Still got a decent, 110. Thoughts on which IQ tests, one should use? Much love, Dr JBP. Your 150+ what a headache man. xxx

How to spend your attention?

How do you recommend that we strike the right balance between attending to trends that worry us and not becoming consumed by the negative? It seems that neither focusing singularly on fighting bad things nor burying our heads fully in the sand are good options -- so it is a challenge the find the right balance.

Media corruption

What does Hunter bidens laptop say about media corruption and what should we do