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with The Jordan B. Peterson Premium Podcast

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Taking a bullet for the one you love

In culture there is this idea of "taking a bullet for someone you love", But then there is also the "put your airplane gas mask on before helping others put theirs on" which suggest another view of enabling yourself to be able to help the ones you love better by first helping yourself. Is it a reasonable idea to "take a bullet for the one you love"? How do these 2 ideas/viewpoints reconcile against each other?

How to Respond to Haters

I am a huge follower of yours! I have learned a tremendous amount from you from watching many many hours of your lectures, talks, and videos and reading all your books. As someone who has really engaged with your works, I am often baffled when I hear other people that say they are "against" you or say ridiculous unfounded disparaging things about you. On the one hand all of me wants to try to convince these people just how wrong they are and how much they could learn from you of how to lead a better life and be a better person in this world. On the other hand it sometimes seems pointless to try to convince someone who is shut off and not open to being convinced or seeing a different viewpoint. How do you think the best way to deal with Jordan Peterson haters is? What about if that person is someone close to you ie. an extended family member etc.

God the author of Evil

It seems Jung believed God was both good and evil, is that how you would summarize his belief? The biblical authors are clear that God is not evil. He did however clearly create beings with the capacity for evil. I have personally experienced visions of demonic creatures. I don't talk about that much for obvious reasons, but prayer/meditation and reading my bible have kept them at bay. I know the demonic is real and am very interested in how you view the spiritual realm. Listening to you discuss the sprit of Cain had new meaning after digging into the teaching in scripture of battling powers and principalities. Will you do a commentary on the Pauline letters? Do you like the letters of Paul?

Eden theory of everything

“Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they realized they were naked.” Is this the dawn of self-consciousness? The birth of identity? Thank you, Jordan, for your generosity in expanding curiosity in God and the multi-layered approach to investigating ancient scriptures. It’s impacted my life profoundly in ways that have changed me forever.

Psycho Cybernetics?

What’s your opinion of Dr Maxwell Maltz’s work?