Ask Me Anything

with The Jordan B. Peterson Premium Podcast

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5 People in all of History You would Pick to meet

If you could travel back in time, who are 5 people (alive or dead) you would want to meet for a dinner? What questions would you ask them and why?

Your Heroes

Who are your heros?

What Big Tech company scares you the most for the future and why?

Some options to consider could be: apple, google, amazon, twitter, tesla, netflix among others

What is your favorite place you've travelled to?

Between all the touring you have done and other travel it seems you have been to a lot of places! What places struck you as your favorites from your experiences and why?

Nuclear Fears

Do you think it is logical or reasonable to have a fear of nuclear war in the modern world? How might one deal with these kind of fears? On the one hand one could remove oneself from society and move to some remote countryside place (if that is possible) or live in some bunker but is that really a reasonable way to think? How should we live in the fear of a nuclear fallout?