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with The Jordan B. Peterson Premium Podcast

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Suggestion: Let us suggest who we'd like to hear on the podcast

[Upvote if you think this is a good suggestion.] A few of the posts in this forum have been suggestions of people for you to have on the podcast. I suggest you make a separate section of the website where we can suggest and upvote potential interviewees we'd like to hear you interview.

The position of democrats on India's stand on Russia-Ukraine conflict

Professor, warm greetings. I was seeing the comments and posturing of some American politicians, mostly democrats and Western media on India's voting pattern at UNSC regarding the ongoing conflict. Do they not get it or wilfully ignore the fact that India has an extremely hostile neighborhood with China, Pakistan, Iran and a Taliban controlled Afghanistan. But if you look at it from our view, Russia is the only peacebroker we have in Asia if war breaks out between India and China. And a huge part of Indian military equipment comes from Russia because the West would not give us the technology and platforms we need although it gave the same to Pakistan, Saudi and other dictatorships. Why does it always adopt policies that push Russia in the arms of China? This is madness. Would like your comments on these issues.

The devils trick.

To Dr Peterson, First and foremost, I would like to thank you and Mikhaila for literally saving my life. As per my previous message to you both. I will be forever grateful, so I cannot thank you both enough. Now on to my question. The quote of Charles Baudelaire "The greatest trick the devil ever played was convincing the world that he did not exist." When I witness people discussing right-wing and left-wing political beliefs, this quote comes to mind. I hypothesise that the devil (socialists) compels the population to believe everyone is on a spectrum of socialist beliefs. Whether national socialists (right-wing) or a communist (left-wing), you fall on the socialist spectrum. This argument then focuses people's minds on the extremes of socialism as the problem. While the underlying basis of the theory is unknown or understood by the masses and socialists push progressive politics as a virtuous cause. Therefore, taking advantage of the "useful idiots" identified in socialist theory. This hypothesis raises the question: what is the correct discussion around political identification if we don't identify as left or right? The answer at its core is that people either believe in individual autonomy (Western Civilisation principles) or the belief in collective thought and responsibility (Socialism). I believe my hypothesis also answers your question regarding how people know if the radical left has gone too far? The answer is that socialism has gone too far when people in power hierarchies use force (legal, social, physical etc.) to install socialist principles onto the population. Clear examples of this can be illustrated in the compelled speech legislation in Canada or the safe school program here in Australia. I understand that personality psychology suggests that left and right political identification is linked to personality. I am unsure how to relate the principles of personality psychology to my hypothesis. What do you think of my hypothesis?


My wife and I struggle to stay motivated in our day to day goals, such as, getting work done, or cleaning, or even small exercises. My wife also constantly feels overcome with laziness. How can we remedy this, and learn to be motivated to complete our day to day tasks and feel less lazy?

Dr P. A wager?

If I could identify 3 of your patients, from your reflections / lectures. Would you / could you personally help me? (Maybe others have made these links, but I haven't seen?) It is a big ask, I know! So no hard feelings. I don't want to blatantly project, as that is unprofessional. . I respect you too much to hurt you professionally either, so I keep this close to the chest, and who knows, I could be wrong. But it is just a wager, and I have all to gain and nothing to lose. So it is not fair for you... You deserve better. But I have to get your valuable attention somehow? (Call me sore knees). I hope I am vague enough... But, I know one is a little brother (like me, nutrition based), with BIG shoes to mirror UP. Another, a craftsman of visionary stories. and the 3rd a person with the mind of a beast. (But a thoughtful/loving being). You're too hard to reach, but I only seek the best. THATS YOU DR P!!!!! If you want me to stop, just let me know. But I am pest, for the best. I am aiming UP and need your hand up. I am tired of, "Playing the fool"... It no longer serves me. I am fine, btw. So no guilt on you, I know you're a practitioner first. I am low in consciousness (So boundaries? What are those?) and only think you can get me firing at all cylinders (Full potential). I just wanna be my best, to help others find theirs. Thats where I find meaning.. Kind of like you, just (much) less read. Keep those eye wrinkles twinkling, I am looking forward to November. (Don't worry, I'll just be listening. For the memory Banks). Best wishes, your spammer of questions lol.