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with The Jordan B. Peterson Premium Podcast

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Thoughts on giving a failed romance another chance after time passes

Let's say a romance ended badly. The circumstances both individuals had were rough and this caused stress and tension which wasn't connected to actual issues between the couple but moreso the environment. How does one identify if the relationship failed due to the unfavorable circumstances or due to issues between the two individuals that were not apparent to either of them?

Self deprecating humor

Just had a question about self deprecating humor which came up in the Jimmy Carr podcast. A lot of people online who discuss confidence talk about how self deprecating humor is a bad when used too much because it makes you look weak. Any truth to this or is it garbage thinking ?

Putting your ideas forward in class

I am a political science student and my classes often touch on some of the most contentious topics today. How do I put forward my opinions knowing that the vast majority of people in my class are likely to disagree with me? I don’t like feeling like an outcast but I also resent it when I couldn’t speak my mind.

Glenn from Superstore

Has anyone told you you sound like Glenn from the sitcom Superstore. Brings a smile to my face every time.

The Human Experience & Choice.

What is the relationship between the Human Experience and the divine when ì comes to that of "Choice" in particular? The movie trilogy The Matrix explores this deeply and for some reason is very intriguing and captivating for me. What is your view of the matter?