Ask Me Anything

with The Jordan B. Peterson Premium Podcast

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Broad question, broad answer?

Jordan, Why do people come to me, seeking answers, in times of crisis. Yet, dismiss me when they're complacent? It is not in my nature, to dismiss those seeking answers, and I, only ever offer my perspective. Trepidatiously. Yet, it always comes to bite my in my donkeys arse. Honesty is all I have, perspective is all I give. However, when complacent, they see but the projections that keep them complacent. Is the truth that uncomfortable, that it is easier to see a fool? In time they will see, but to theirs and my own detriment. But, I am aiming up, always, unfortunately the jokes upon the true fools, if I land safely. Lucky, I always do. Thanks to my resilience. Let's hope it does not fade. Nor yours, Brother. Thanks a million + 1. Just because, once more is never enough. Call me, sore knees, Ill just say f-off ;) (Stay Strong, our Champion).

PTSD: your, as far as I have viewed and listened, unspoken topic though you must have dealt with ptsd as a veteran 20-year clinician.

Hello Dr. Peterson. I'm a 100 % service connected, Iraq War veteran. I served in the Tiger Force Recon: 1/327th Infantry regiment, Headquarters company Scout/Sniper platoon lead by a Sgt 1st class and a company command level captain for our platoon. I was in 2005-2006. I left Ft. Campbel KY after about 7 years of service with a broken back, damaged neck that has since fractured, and of course PTSD. It started about 6 months after redeploying to the states. I had learned a hard lesson that many people never notice is there: The country and world I left behind to fight in Iraq NEVER EXISTED and was, in fact, a very much darker place and I could now see the shadows everywhere I looked. I was on doses of so many drugs, at near research experiment level dosing, that I have problems recalling my last year in the service. I would wager your 1$ to my home that FDA concerns....out the window. I was a zombie. I was found in my barracks closet by my best friend Doc Gaglione our plt's medic twice after consuming a month's dose of Klonipin at : tk 1 1mg t po q6h prn anxiety (anti-axialitic tranquilizing agent when not used to control seizures). My pain was such that I intuitively knew that the world as I knew It was over, the scales removed, the bubble popped " no going back after taking the pill and seeing the Matrix as it is. Within a couple of months I called doc and said good by with the majority of a months Ambien. The Army's response: Off to Cumberland hall for a week to check the box... all inclusive stay with great security (lock down), few cigarette breaks, and bad food. Then back to the Wounded Warrior Unit at ft. Campbell with a new slate. I have now been at odds with the VA for 13 years over their draconian treatments. Don't believe that the VA can be so intransigent? I used my OBS software after recalling "just" how secure the mental health clerk said the video appt. Apparently It was so secure that I caught the whole thing after she went to get the Director of the Psychiatry Dept. on OBS... a free... open broadcast suite... lol? This video is only about 13 minutes long with the head of psych. defacto denying me coverage at a 100 % service connection, calling my civilian psychiatrist of about 6 years of treatment and progress as my "wants, and opinions" Take that for what it is worth as you can not make this sh_t up brother. here is the link if such is allowed: This is the only medical discipline at the VA that refuses to comanage my care... i.e. : I bring scripts and procedures such as ablations of the c3-5 cervical spine nerve burns for my neck pain as I can not afford 2,000 k or so bi-annually. Now, Dr Peterson... here's the question and after listening to 12 rules and most of the 2nd as often as needed to go back to the concepts contained there in as well as Maps (though i need a hard copy lol. not a casual listen by any scope of the imagination). I've watch at least 100 hours of you video's and pod cast. I had found a voice that gave me the structured concepts, life architectures, and their related terminology to truly understand all the machined learning that I had acquired spanning the globe. I mean the stuff in the first 12 rules I was just awestruck as most chapters seemed to merely verify and flesh out what I intrinsicly believed and felt in my heart. HEAR IS THE ? AFTER THAT Brief BACKGROUND: Why has the VA, the military, and my country tossed me aside in defeat after failing to re... not sure of the word... failing to repatriate me into american society. How does one go back after seeing and doing the worst things that one person can do to another for a year? Ah, Re-integrate is the word doc! So, I've yet to hear you weigh in on PTSD at all. In scope of your clinical mandate: How does a physician or team there of re-integrate a soldier into his or her society of origin? The top was a bit of back ground but that's definitely my question. That being said how do you believe re-integration ought to be done? I'm guessing though NOT one provider has take this approach it will be a combination of drug therapy finally teamed up with psycho analysis and clinical therapy (that's how i'm going to approach this problem when I graduate a physician assistant in about 3 years as the VA gives my the time slot of a therapist and the writing power of a full physician. As a side note: Why do Dr.'s and therapists, in my experience, not work together? You'd think a good therapist and a psychiatrist would make natural allies. I wish you well and will see you in Chicago in april. Been looking forward to seeing you talk since January. You sell out fast doc lol.

Problems with poop

Dr. Peterson, I have, what I believe, is a very bright grandson. He will be six on his next birthday in June. He started kindergarten last August. He and his sister are verbally and intellectually advanced compared to our two children when they were at that age and to our other grandchildren. He is particularly sensitive to loud noise, high volume settings on tv or radio and the squeals of his sister and six nieces. He will cover his ears with his hands initially and simply remove himself from the area if it continues. Also, he is quite bothered by the sinister characters in any age appropriate cartoon or movie. He will again put his hands over his ears, ask to have it turned off or simply go do something else. He was late at becoming potty trained. It seemed he was in such full concentration on what he was doing that it was at the last minute that he would realize or acknowledge that he needed to get to a bathroom. Now it seems that he has decided that rather than interrupt anything fun or worthwhile, he will simply soil his pants and wait for the next intermission into the wonderful goings on at school to then ask the teacher if he can go change. They have an appointment coming up to rule out any physical issues. When my son and daughter-in-law question him on why he didn’t go to the bathroom he simply says some version of “I didn’t want to stop doing something fun or interesting “. He doesn’t seem to be bothered by it. He asks to go change. He doesn’t need help. He cleans himself and any clothing, bags up the offended underwear and continues along. He seems to be unaffected by any sense of shame or uncomfortableness. It simply doesn’t bother him. I appreciate any thoughts you might have on how possibly to handle or even simply investigate possible solutions to a problem that doesn’t seem to bother this young man at all but has his parents and grandparents worried about the eventual social implications. Thank you for everything you do for the world! My subscriber address is either dallasfire@gmail or paulwaynesjunk@gmail

Mircea Eliade

Dr Peterson, I am writing a paper on the legacy of Mircea Eliade. You are perhaps his most prominent living advocate. What are the two, three or four most important things that you learned from him.

Raising Adopted Foster Chidlren

My wife and I have adopted three children out of foster care (none are related). We love them to death. How do we raise them without messing them up - with the knowledge that they all come from have tragic backgrounds (drug use, death, prostitution, mental illness).