Ask Me Anything

with The Jordan B. Peterson Premium Podcast

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Do you Believe in God

Why is there something rather than nothing? I think that is what most people mean when they ask you do you believe in God. Also just as important, do you know if Cathy Newman has picked herself up off the floor from your last TKO? Thank you!!! B -rad

When is enough enough?

I am a person with somewhat oldfashion values. I am currently in a commited relationship of 4 years and my partners has recently developped an addiction to meth. My core values make me want to stay and make it work cause we're in love and it can survive this like many other obstacles in the past. But then again, another part of me feels used and taken for granted. He can't seem to stop using or interested in any help. When is enough enough? When can I say I tried....


I'm the adult infant that you refer to in your lectures. I'm not 25. I'm 35, so the consequences you speak of have been in full effect for quite some time. It would take far more words than I could expect anyone to read to explain where I am, and why. So I'll go straight to the question. How do you find a reason to sort yourself out when the solution feels worse than the problem. How do you pay the price for your mistakes if the reward never comes. It's just the painful part forever. The one satisfaction you'll get is your parents not fake smiling at you anymore. But you'll probably be alone until you die with a brain that doesn't produce enough dopamine or serotonin to support a functional motivation and reward system. Please don't tell me to see a doctor. they participated fully in the situation i'm in. I just need to see a way out.

The New YouTube

You have Thinkspot. Rubin has Rumble. Rogan just plays his videos through Spotify... Why haven't we seen a singular new platform for all the free thinkers who have been bullied by YouTube?

12 Rules for Kids

Your work has been translated into many languages, but what about kids? Do you have plans to create any kid-friendly material? What advice do you have for talking to kids? Some background: I work with kids of all ages, and they all seem desperately in need of your advice. I try to boil your content down to their level as much as I can, but I haven't been able to do a great job of that so far. I find most adults just bulldoze kids who ask 'why?' all the time, but I want to try to give them a real answer they can understand.