Ask Me Anything

with The Jordan B. Peterson Premium Podcast

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Finding meaning without children

I’m 25 and probably infertile, according to doctors. As a woman how can I find meaning & fulfilment in life without children?

Finding meaning without children

I’m 25 and probably infertile, according to doctors. As a woman how can I find meaning & fulfilment in life without children?

How to express creative impulse

I scored 96 on openness & realised my creativity was suppressed which led to depression. Now I have lots of energy but not sure how to express the creativity & therefore feel frustrated a lot of the time. What methods can I use to express the creative energy inside me, I often write but it’s sometimes insufficient.

Politics and Self-Improvement

Thank you for your words. Your thoughts and arguments have changed my perspective on life and at times even my opinions. I have been left-leaning intellectually but am not politically inclined. Your words have broken through a wall of bitterness and nihilism I’d built around my identity and I’ve built a door there from which I can explore my experience again. Yet, I am confused by the fact that you have become such a political and divisive figure. You are an esteemed conservative intellectual, yet your message on self-improvement, and your examination of human experience is not political at all, and is, perhaps of more value than your political positions. I have to confess that I disregarded your work for a long time because you are such a divisive figure. A surprisingly high number of people view you with outright hostility and many more people view you with suspicion. While at the same time, you are an inspiration and an example of how to relate to life for many other people. I work hard just to keep my room clean and my life in order, and find most political debates akin to loud people with simple ideas yelling “I refuse to understand your position”. I find it hard to want to join the discussion. So I have to ask: to what extent is a developed and active political stance an important part of a person's identity?

Woke culture in Tech

I work for a Tech giant, but in Austin Texas. I have tried to ignore the woke politics in our all hands meetings, but this week we had a 1.5hr meeting, the first 42 minutes were land acknowledgements, people crying about how happy inclusion makes them. How do you draw the line if your day-to-day is fine, but the leadership is lost?