Hi jordan, love your work. Will you ever interview a guy like Stephen c. Meyer who actualy gave a mathematical argument against evolution and for intillegent design? I don't believe in evolution but it would be nice to see a nice to see you both talk
Buried in the podcast with the Russians was the exciting news that you are planning or working on creating a K-12 curriculum. Talk about great news for education everywhere. As many lives as you have already touched, a K12 curriculum of your creation may be your lasting legacy. Please tell us more! We are here if you need any beta test schools.
I would say fun with motion. Is stillness inherently evil? Like if there was only nothingness, would that be an evil thing? Is the lack of things or 'somethingness' an expression of the Good as maybe Plantonics suggests. Thanks Jordan, I love you, your family and everything you've done within one human life.
This is a question which has haunted me for the last decade, so I hope you can offer some insight. You've indicated that children who aren't socialized by 4 are beyond help and will likely go on to live an anti-social life. Conscience, particularly its absence, is frequently linked with psychopathy & anti-social personality disorder. Given your discussions on sovereign individuality & personal responsibility, I presume you wouldn't reduce conscience to either biological or cultural forces. If that is this case, what role does a child that is biologically & environmentally predisposed to psychopathy/anti-social personality disorder play in the development of their own conscience and personality? Thank you.