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with The Jordan B. Peterson Premium Podcast

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Childhood trauma

A few years ago I was working with a therapist, mainly around the issues of the physical abuse I was subjected to by the hands of my father, I’m the youngest of 4 children and I was the only one he abused. I ended the therapy after 3 months, as my therapist wanted me to bring my family into a session to advise them of the abuse, which I felt I wasn’t ready for and still don’t, as I don’t feel they will believe me, my father has been dead for over 10 years. I also ended it as I felt he was missing the point of why I was entering therapy. My question is, why can it be that a parent, or parents, can sometimes only abuse one child and not all? I’m a 26 year old female.

Did tribal echo chambers online caused by isolated clusters of language cause the current situation?

Isolated tribes have their own language clusters, which can create echo-chambers. When they come into contact with civilization, their language clusters become integrated and the echo chamber effect is reduced. Post-modernism allowed detached language clusters online to be integrated with the offline language cluster in a way that disjointed the offline cluster. Academics, media and politicians abused this or buckled to demands, creating feedback loops. When the children who grew up online became adults and entered the world, they brought online language with them. The online and offline clusters are incompatible, so the culture war spilled over into the real world. Do you agree with this analysis, could we view wokeism as a form of tribalism, looking at clusters and silos of language and discussion online?

Dissecting divine “revelation”

So I caught covid, Had a crazy fever, and no doubt suffered delirium. But before I even showed any symptoms etc I had perhaps, “divine” insights occurring, or more probable “deducing” information from the ground up and having a light bulb moment? I can certainly see where and why people can lose touch with reality, going through an experience where you gain let’s call it “wisdom unearned”.. Although no psychedelics were used in this instance. Unless you count, what’s that girls name, Spider-Man’s GF? So I guess the question is and I’ll use the patient you speak of in the Bib series as an example If that helps, I think he made timber carvings or something to that affect. Apologies I don’t remember his craft. Nonetheless, you said he would have dreams and that he thought he was crazy and wouldn’t share them for that reason. .. I’m having one of those moments. Well had. I’m “lucid” now but it’s taken over a month to unpack. How would you help him find the meaning of the messages in his dream? The most relieving thing would be if someone told me I was in fact crazy and the covid caused the whole thing. But, I don’t think it did. Some of it was true. Could that just be my subconscious picking up information and processing it later on? Who knows lol

Why is it important to define our own moral philosophy?

For example; What is good or bad. Boundaries. What reality should be. And how a person should live their lives.

Canadian Psychotherapist's Future

I'm an Ontario psychotherapist in training (Graduating spring 2023) What is your outlook on the industry, and what can I do to protect myself from losing my soul to political correctness as well as DIE programs.