Ask Me Anything

with The Jordan B. Peterson Premium Podcast

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Big 5 and Aspects

What is a good way to operate when the two aspects differ significantly from each other? For example, my Orderliness is 86th percentile while Industriousness is 15th percentile.

Is it possible to rebuild trust in a romantic relationship?

I had an awful behavioural pattern of being unfaithful in relationships, and it continued in in my marriage. I have been going through a lot of self work to understand why I am the way I am. I feel a profound shift in the way I’ve seen the world, and I’m not really captivated by this aimless rebellion anymore. I am trying to repair my relationship with my husband. He wants to make it work but can’t possibly see how, as he no longer trusts me. Is it possible to rebuild trust or is it a ‘one shot only’ thing? I know your rule with Tammy when you got together was ‘we mustn’t lie to each other, this won’t work if we lie’. Keen to hear your thoughts on if it’s possible, and if so, how to go about doing it? Thank you and I really am so inspired by and grateful for your work ♥️

Can we conceptualise ‘spiritual suffering’?

Few years ago, I wrote an essay for a National Level Essay Competition. It was about, “Challenge of Human Suffering”, and in it, I had talked about how suffering has three levels - physical, mental, and spiritual. But the idea of spiritual suffering is still too complex for me. Later this year, I have found this term in Carl Jung’s book “Psychology and the east”, but it has not been explained. Could you reflect on this? - Varun, India.

God’s Will

In the Bible, Jesus teaches to do the will of God (Mark 3:35 whoever shall do the will of God, he is My brother and sister and mother) How do we discern our own will from God’s divine will?

How to be self disciplined?

Maybe I don’t have faith in any path I could take but it is extremely difficult for me to complete the future authoring program I’ve tried for years and really hard. I have 70% completion but I have little confidence in what I wrote and It feels just made up and really too short. I really want to make fantasy worlds like Lord of the Rings or Star Wars or I want to work at a company like Neuralink so I can change the world but I can’t seem to execute a path. Im 21 male