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with The Jordan B. Peterson Premium Podcast

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About BPD and alcoholism

I have immense respect for you sir. I've been struggling all my life, and I thought you may have an answer. What does one do when they're suffering from both BPD and alcoholism? It seems to be a conundrum for doctors. Even though it seems to be clearly comorbid in a majority of cases, so it should be well known. But for some reason, doctors dismiss addicts. Maybe it makes the dots on their graphs correlate better. I've been sent for years to cures that have been proven ineffective, and never had access to cures that would have been effective. I'm in Montreal. I'm talking about McGill, not the last in line. Though, to be fair, I've only been in the McGill system for a year. The French side of things was way worse, way worse. Almost a joke. I can't believe we pay for these people. So I can't really blame McGill. I'm still stuck though, wondering what the solution is. What would a clinician do with a patient like me? I'm not being cynical, I'm a problem solver, I want to figure it out. I'm 36, I'm a professional programmer, top of my game, no boyfriend, no kids. Work is all I have, but work makes me happy.

A spiritual visitation.

A few years ago, you recalled a strange experience. One day, a consciousness or energy field of some kind entered your room and partially descended over you and waited for a response. You said you rejected it. As it withdrew, you had a feeling it was disappointed, but not angry. If you ever have such an experience again, how will you respond?

How do people that are very low in agreeableness have a good relationship?

I'm very low in agreeableness (2nd percentile according to I suspect my (high-energy) 6 year old son is in the same ball park. As you might suspect, we are constantly at each other's throats. Do you have any advice for how two people low in agreeableness improve their relationship?

Moral relativism vs moral objectivism

Is this a matter of believe or as some say moral relativism defeats itself being self contradictory? This would leave moral objectivism as a dominant viewpoint.

beliefs that require lies to support

In God, Consciousness, and the Theories of Everything | Curt Jaimungal | The JBP Podcast | #239, starting @ 23:20 Curt proposes (& Jordan agrees) that supposing that it's alright to adhere to a belief that requires lies to support is a sign of "going too far". How does Dostoevsky's "Dream of the Ridiculous Man" demonstrate how lies corrupt the social discourse. How does this parallel the narrative of expulsion from Eden?