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with The Jordan B. Peterson Premium Podcast

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Islam is the solution ?

Hi Prof What do you think about this YouTube video (4mins) about the main idea of Islam ? ALLAH; THE INTELLIGENT DESIGNER

Nature of Reality and it's designer

If man is a manifestation of nature, are man's artful 'strivings' a tendency or choice that the nature of reality/ its designer intentionally induces? Is there a divine intelligence behind our reality? If you don't believe so, perhaps consider the fact that electrons do not collide, EVER. That seems pretty intentional and quite the expression of a creative intelligence.. with this in mind, it's so cool to think the designer wanted to screw around with dinosaurs first

Something to ponder

Big fan of your work and what you stand for. Thank you for being the voice of reason in an age of anarchy of thought. But listening to you talk to Sam Harris recently, discussing the discordance between frontal cortex and prefrontal cortex in regards to dreams...made me think of evolution and prehuman ancestry. As wild as dreams may be, they remain always familiar to us and I think it's a visual representation of our subconscious struggle to make a viable connection, like hitting a road block in our overall understanding of the nature of a whatever unique problem we each possess, like a built in hint or riddle system meant to guide us through life in some sort of manner that reprents a path we were given by intelligence that wants us to bond with it. Also I think we struggle understanding and interpreting the meaning of our dreams cause our frontal cortex developed so rapidly out of proportion to the rest of the lizard brain when hominids discovered fire and were able to obtain levels of nutrients never seen before ever in our species. It's like a monkey discovering a rocketship in the middle of the desert and figures out by coincidence how to operate it. The meteoric rise of the modern consciousness.....that began to start asking questions to the self outside of survival and procreativity. I want to chyme in so bad when I listen to podcasts these days cause I feel like once in a blue moon, have a plausible answer to questions you big brainers have, or alteast create speculative interest. Would be cray cray to hear back from you. God speed.

Notions towards creation

when you boil things down the question becomes intended vs unintended, order vs chaos. If things happened by chance and chance alone, would patterns ever arise? Not only just arise to be noticed but in a way even the most skeptical would still find elegant. Seems as though the gurus on the nature of reality would have had the best view of the stars, constellations (probably a culture living in high altitudes along the equator) and likely would leave observational and time markings of the celestial equinox so those who came centurys later could see that those of the past predict the present and hence displaying awareness of the creators pattern, in other words, it's signature. Thereby giving all of which exists peace of mind that we are not necessary destined for the abyss.

How do I stop thoughts of murder?

I keep having thoughts about killing the people who humiliated me in high school. I'm currently undertaking a graduate degree and my intrusive thoughts wont let me move on. What do I do? Please help.