Ask Me Anything

with The Jordan B. Peterson Premium Podcast

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John the Baptist

What do you make of the characterization of you and your work that likens you to John the Baptist? Even though you don't profess faith, your Youtube comments are filled with people saying you led them to faith.

Richard Rohr

Have you ever thought of having Friar Richard Rohr on your podcast? I don't know how his health is these days, but I'm sure he would love to talk to you.

Stephen Freeman

Have you ever considered having orthodox Father Stephen Freeman on your show? I'm sure the episode would at least be entertaining.


If you could only pick one thing that's not in any means artificial in nature (nothing man-made), to worship, what would it be? The Sistine Chapel and the Church of San Nicholas have these intricately painted ceilings. And the structures were built in dome form, emulating our sky. If that's not phisophical enough these skies are filled with painted scenes of narratives that describe some of our most sophisticated stories. Do you have anything to say about nature? What's your opinion of Paganism/ have you learned anything about it? Have you noticed paganistic connections within Cristianity or even Egyptian tales? P.S. The Sun is my choice.

The questions are adding up!

You could likely fill entire university courses trying to answer some of the questions posed here. Suggest (again) you start a forum...then others could answer some of the questions.