Ask Me Anything

with The Jordan B. Peterson Premium Podcast

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If heaven and hell are states of being on Earth, is suicide a rational way to escape one's personal hell? Some say those who commit suicide will go to hell. Is it reasonable to fear that outcome? Can committing suicide to escape intense psychic pain result in everlasting torture in the hell of the Bible?

Nostalgia and its connection to chaos & order

I was listening to a piece of instrumental music recently, and it moved me in a way that I can only describe as nostalgic. Part of the melody was sad and distant, while the other part was hopeful and near. I felt like I was on the border between two emotions, and I became completely captivated by it. It reminded me of the feeling of nostalgia - that longing for the past but hopefullness for the future to be similar. I immediately thought of your book and how much you talk about living on the border between chaos and order. Do you think the "borders" I described are related to chaos & order? Why do you think me, and many others, find such joy and sometimes obesession with nostalgia itself? Are ALL "borders" a good place to be? (The piece is Agape by Nicholas Britell, for reference)

How can I be less dramatic?

I'm prone to high drama. Every time my husband and I have an argument, it feels like our family's going to collapse for example. I've watched myself and this does not appear to be a relationship-specific problem. I'm like this all the time! This makes my life unnecessarily painful and it takes me a very long time to recover from small conflicts/upsets. Any advice would be greatly appreciated by me andmy long-suffering husband :-)

In the story of Cain and Abel, if you were Abel, what would you have done to stop yourself from being killed by Cain?

How do I know if I should grow the hell up and quit whining or if there is really something wrong?

Some people I know have terrible character qualities and to me, it's obvious that there is something terribly wrong with them, but when I raise that idea to other people, they don't seem to have the same experience. Despite this, I am typically right in predicting that their character flaws have the exact specific negative effects in certain situations.