Ask Me Anything

with The Jordan B. Peterson Premium Podcast

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Building Self estime with opinion of others

Sadly, in relationship, I build my self esteem by pleasing others. I can be high or badly low depending on what my partner/others thinks of me. I know its toxic, but l have trouble to act differently. How can I get out of this vicious circle and stop be the mirror of other people's opinion about me?

Blue-Collar hazing and Legacy Media

Trust in the legacy media is dismal these days. In the United States this gets handwaved as Trump cultism, but we are seeing a similar attitude in Canada among the Freedom Convoy. You sometimes talk about the ways that working men will poke and prod at a new team member in order to test his character, often with growing severity if the newcomer proves unable to handle small provocations. The coworker Lunchbucket you mentioned in 12 Rules for Life, for example. Is it reasonable to speculate this culture is a large part of the divide between journalists and the blue collar types? The journalists got some mild (and later not so mild) needling from Trump and the journalists reacted with the kind of poor attitudes that would see them driven off a work crew?

Educating Intelligence

Hello Jordan, In your work, you have asked "Are you as educated as you are intelligent?" The question made an impression on me. I am 36 with only a high school education. I am more intelligent than I am educated, and thats not likely to change. So I have to ask: What are three important skills that higher education develops? Should an individual without a higher education develop those same skills? And to what benefit are those skills to a lay person? Thank you for sharing your thoughts, voice, and time with us!

Desert Island

If you were stuck on a desert island and could only listen to one song, have one book, and have one piece of art for the rest of your life, what would they be?

Big 5 and the Shadow

Do you have any ideas how integrating your Shadow might impact your Big 5 traits?