Ask Me Anything

with The Jordan B. Peterson Premium Podcast

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How do we create harmony in the world?

How would you define global harmony and what would that look like?

Jungian Synchronicity

Hi Dr. Peterson. Thank you for your continued work - please keep it up! In your podcast with Jonathan Pageau, you described Jung's concept of synchronicity as 'moments when the narrative and objective worlds touch'. I wonder if you could expand on this sentence a little - what conditions are necessary for these worlds to touch? When or why does it happen? What would one experience if this were to happen? Maybe you could share your experiences of these moments, if you'd be willing to. Thanks,


Have you ever listened to Sturgill Simpson's song "Turtles All the Way Down?" I think you'd like it.

Aliens!? (Ancient or otherwise)

What are your thoughts on aliens? Do you have any opinion on the history channel TV show Ancient Aliens and how it might relate to the ancient stories? How would the existence of aliens or future discovery change your thoughts on psychology (if they would in any way)

Music Genre & Personality

Love the way you speak of music as one of the highest art forms. Curious your thoughts on how you might compare/contrast typical genres of music (rock, rap, jazz, classical, alternative, etc.). Curious your thoughts on the kinds of personalities each genre is typically most appealing to and why that may be the case and what we might take as takeaways from that