Ask Me Anything

with The Jordan B. Peterson Premium Podcast

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First, Canada. Now, Australia?

Hi Professor Peterson, I will try and be succinct but will certainly fail. I am a doctoral candidate from Australia, researching the impacts of transgender hormone use on metabolic and cardiac pathologies. I would love the opportunity to discuss with you my findings once completed and my experience as a student and staff in one of the major Universities in Australia. Onto my question. Australia has employed the 'vaccinate the entire population by force' mandate. If you do not have proof of vaccination on your person at the entrance of any venue whatsoever, you cannot gain entry. The policing and violent restrictions as seen in Melbourne - publicised internationally - highlight to what degree of force the Australian Government are willing to use. It was clear that the majority of businesses and their staff held zero regards for the mandates, casually leaving their mask hanging off one ear or below their chin. Most of the time, people would just walk into venues without checking in or presenting vaccination proof. We are also subject to the same left-leaning ideologies that ripped through Canada and the US, however, it would appear they are being unopposed for the most part. I sat in an influential position in the University structure, where I provided feedback to the University academic plan where quotas dictated student entry. These quotas aimed to increase the percentage of total student load to 'oppressed populations' as opposed to merit-based selection. We have pride groups, rainbows painted roads, and 'safe spaces' all over campus. A university that argues for the empowerment of women, describing them as underpaid and undervalued. The irony is the executive team on unfathomable salaries are 80% female. The professorship selection has been predominantly female for a decade and I could go on but I wont. I won't make the error of taking the example of the university and extrapolating or generalising it to the nation. My friends who work in schools are sitting through hours of LGBTIQIAP+ education sessions for the school children. My white-male police officer friend waited nearly 18 months to get into the police force, whilst females were being sworn in after 3 months. Businesses are currently being assessed for their equity index, having their staff's immutable characteristics quantified and given a tick of approval if it is equitable enough. It is safe to say the left agendas are succeeding in Australia. We have two political parties that are ever really considered, both of which are left-leaning. The liberal party, ironically the more conservative choice and the labour party. The political party currently in power is the liberal party. It seems that in Australia we are currently living under an inescapably left-leaning authoritarian government that is pro-taxation and public domains such as education and healthcare. Considering the democratic process, do you think these types of governments and governmental service takeovers manifest when the population is - on average - high in agreeableness and low in conscientiousness? Australian's are considered 'laid-back'. If ever I try to discuss these political matters with friends, they exhibit body language that matches their response "why do you care?", even though they are negatively impacted by the governance and policies. I want to know what you think about this concept: For the governments that go too far, how much cause might be attributed to the nation's average behavioural trait profile? If so, does this mean that the cure to the toxic governmental structures remains democratic discourse? Lastly, if behavioural traits are more-or-less unchangeable, does this mean democratic discourse will never begin? leaving Australia left-leaning and authoritarian until a generational shift in behavioural traits skews in the opposite direction. Considering the heritability of behavioural traits, how likely do you think this even is?


What does true masculinity look like in today’s world - could you describe this in a story? I have 3 young step sons who are growing up in a world where it is not ‘cool’ to be a man, Thanks!

You don't choose to be a Hero, you are chosen to be a hero

First, I subscribed to you since I want to support you. I don't really give a shit if you will answer my rant so you can skip the rest of it if you want (although I believe it has a value). Take my question as a "free pass" and the eziest 10$ per month you have ever made :D I am Alon Ohana I am from Israel and I analyzed the great story of the greatest leader that humanity have ever witnessed - Moses. Moses is a hero. He is a killer, not belonged and stuttering man. God has chosen him. God choose many people who didn't want to be chosen - he choose Jonah, he choose David, he choose Moses. They were all leaders and heroes. We need to be the heroes of our story, we need to thrive and try to be the best we can be. But we need humility, just like Moses, David, Jonah and other great leaders across the history had. Sometimes heroes are chosen - like Joe Rogan, and sometimes heroes fill the void that other left empty - like many people think about Donald Trump. Trump was chosen since he was a hero for the people (even if it is far fetched I think you get the point you are smart), Joe Rogan was chosen because he is inside the eye of the storm. I think in the end you are a hero as well - from both kinds. You choose to stand up, you had to stand up, and you told the truth - whatever the cost was. You are chosen as a hero, which sucks ass I mean you can ask Moses or Jonah or George Washington they all hated that. And to be honest, you are doing a good damn job. Not like Moses - he is the GOAT of leadership. But you are decent. BIG LOVE FROM ISRAEL PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE COME TO VISIT HERE! Alon Ohana P.S. If you come to Israel please go to the Western Wall and have a pray to god with me :D

Strength training

It would be great to see you build yourself up to be stronger. I've seen you talk about strength training having immense benefits which is one of the things that encouraged me to take it seriously. I know that Mark Rippetoe's program would do you a huge amount of good. I think you'd see what I mean, particularly if you get hold of a copy of his book called the Barbell Prescription (basically the bible on strength training for over 40's). Mark Rippetoe is the best-selling author on this subject and for good reason. I think you'd also make a very interesting guest on each other's podcasts, particularly as you share a large number of fans.

Thoughts on afterlife

Jordan do you have any thoughts on the afterlife experience? Maybe a recurring theme in the grand scheme of all your research that you resonate with? The positive light you’ve willed to emit must be greatly rewarded. Thank you