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with The Jordan B. Peterson Premium Podcast

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The Ultimate Engineering Challenge

I believe this is the most difficult engineering challenge possible: 1. A new and unique universe must be designed. 2. The new universe must have its own materials and those materials must follow their own newly designed laws of physics. 3. All the material and energy required for the new universe must appear in a single instant. 4. Sometime after the start of the new universe, self-replicating machines must spontaneously appear with no outside intervention. 5. The original self-replicating machines can be simple (while still self-replicating), however, over time these machines must increase in complexity until they become self-aware. 6. The self-aware self-replicating machines must eventually reach a complexity where they can propose their own “Ultimate Engineering Challenge” . Can you propose a more difficult engineering challenge?

Vaccine hesitant - let the friendships burn off?

I’m unvaccinated for covid and for a variety of reasons am very wary of these experimental vaccines. Some of my liberal, well-educated peers - including friends and family - who know my status - think I’m crazy, and in many cases seem to be angry, vengeful and barely tolerate me and in many cases start questioning if I’ve become a Trumper who thinks Covid is a hoax, which is not the case. You’ve talked about how we have to let parts of ourselves that are not or are no longer useful to us die off, even if there’s not much that remains. Is it the same with one’s community and friends and family in a situation like this? I want to salvage these relationships that I’ve built over many years with people who used to be reasonable and caring. But some of them seem possessed and crazed and illogical in their attitude towards me. Do I just let them go or wait it out and hope they regain their sanity?

Puerto Rico contraceptive I experimented

I’ve been trying to upload on YouTube all the links for this but, they keep blocking them. Nobody wants to talk about the human rights violations by the US Federal Government. Do you know anything about that? I’ll keep trying to get you the links.

Puerto Rico contraceptive Guinea pigs

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Unidimensional personality

Dear Dr Peterson, I took the Understand Myself Personality Test and have been surprised to see that I am exceptionally high in openess, and moderately low or average in every other dimensions. It seems to be the source of my difficulty to match my personality and my environment. Is there such a thing as a unidimensional personality ? Or am I just obsessed and flawed ? What are the implications of having a unidimensional personality ?