Ask Me Anything

with The Jordan B. Peterson Premium Podcast

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Special needs children, coping with the future

Sir, How did you and your wife manage all of your daughter's health issues when she was younger? I am the father of twin autistic children who I suspect will never have a fully independent life and I struggle with the unknown future before them/us, especially after my wife and I aren't around. Any advice for bearing the burden of a child's unknown/unknowable future? Thank you.

Thank you

Sir, Thank you for the service you have been to the world. Countless lives have been made better because of your work.

Advice for someone suffering with Intrusive Thought OCD

Hello, Thank you for all your help Dr. Peterson. Do you have any advice for someone suffering from a non-typical form of OCD, such as obsessive worrying related to ones sexual orientation (consistently checking to see if one is aroused around the opposite sex and not aroused around the same sex), or the development of mental disorders (checking to ensure what you've seen or heard is real)? I understand this is a very sensitive issue, but any advice would be appreciated.

personality disorder or dp/dr disorder

hello Sir, i was diagnosed with schizophrenia 3years ago (although i don't have any types of hallucination), and i saw another psychiatrist and she told me i have personality disorder (we didn't finish the diagnosis ), but what i know i have is racing thoughts and having dp/dr and anxiety so often ,the prescribed me olanzapine (and that fucked me up felt numbness and empty mind )(it only helped me with anxitey),i dunno if there's a way (an unorthodox treatement for dp/dr) , i feel like i have no personality some times , and it's been 7-8 years since i m like this , i tried truffles , i do bct therapy to change my negative way of thinking , i don't know what to do and to have an appointement with a good psychiatrist it takes months here.

Successful, ambitious woman looking for a man

As a wealthy, successful, ambitious, good-looking (I believe) woman... I have experienced what you're saying when it comes to finding men at or above my zone. I'm in my early 30s and feel the clock ticking. What is your best advice for finding someone now? Keeping in mind that most of the men I'd find desirable have a wider pool to pull from (in terms of feeling comfortable going down OR going much younger).