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with The Jordan B. Peterson Premium Podcast

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Using the Big 5 in Counselling

How would you utilize the Big 5 in counselling for general problems like symptoms of anxiety or depression? I’m a graduate student looking to implement it once I complete my education.

Definition of God

Hi Dr. Peterson, I hope you are well. I will not ask you if you believe in God; can you clearly define what God means to you? Also, what do you think of how your understanding of it compares to philosophical arguments on behalf of God's existence that accept God as a more literal being such as the cosmological argument? Thank you.

Definition of God

Hi Dr. Peterson, I hope you are well. I will not ask you if you believe in God; can you clearly define what God means to you? Also, what do you think of how your understanding of it compares to philosophical arguments on behalf of God's existence that accept God as a more literal being such as the cosmological argument? Thank you.

Start a discussion forum

Upvote this post if you would like to ask JBP to establish an online discussion forum. Your AMA supercast option has been online for only 20 days…and already the questions posed could easily occupy your (JBP) time for the next year (assuming you devote yourself to them with the same comprehensive precision you devote to all your endeavors). Start…a…forum! It will build your community, encourage dialogue, promote your message, and it will provide opportunities for those who need support to get it. There seems to be a real thirst amongst your following for opportunities to learn more, to interact with like-minded individuals, to build relationships and make connections, to ask questions about the ideas you have introduced, and to grow. A forum would provide all that…and more. It would obviously require moderation and resources…and the degree to which it could be self-sustaining would have to be rigorously examined…but I’m sure you know people or know people who know people who are easily up to the task.

Holistic Management and Allan Savory

Dear Jordan, What are your views on Holistic Management (HM)? HM is a systems thinking approach to decision making adopted by farmers on over 40m acres worldwide. It emerged through Allan Savory's work reversing desertification in dryland environments using livestock (still shunned by scientific community despite the evidence it works). HM pattern to your Self-Authoring programme which I find intriguing. The impact of HM on the ground (see Savory Institute) has been astonishing. He is one of the leading and most respected thinkers and practictioners in the field of Regenerative Agriculture. Savory's biggest breakthrough came through the challenge of replicating outcomes consistently on every farm he trained - which led to the Holistic Context, a document unique to every farm which empowers decision making which consistently leads towards regenerative (socially, ecologically and economically) outcomes. It would be thrilling if you and he could meet. Your sincerely and with huge warmth, Simon Evill