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with The Jordan B. Peterson Premium Podcast

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Daily wire

Super pumped to see you join the daily wire team! Just curious if the daily wire content is exactly the same as content provided by the Spotify paid podcast subscription? All the best Thanks !

How to help ideologically possessed family

I have a brother and sister-in-law who are headed down the path of ideological possession of the Marxist/Post Modernist/Leftist persuasion. They were both raised as Christians, and for now at least, still attend church, but I can see very clearly in their words and actions that they are being drawn away from their roots. The most stark example of this is that they are allowing and even encouraging their five year old son to socially transition to the clothing, toys and interests of a girl. My wife and I want to preserve our relationship with us, but also help them if possible. Any advice you can give us?

What do we mean when we say pride?

"The word “pride” has many implications, and is understood in different ways. It can indicate arrogance, self inflation, conceit. Or it can indicate a feeling of self respect and self worth – a kind of dignity and appropriate regard for oneself. This latter understanding is an essential characteristic for everyone – but particularly marginalized people – to develop." Dr. Daijaku I believe when people participate in the celebration of Gay Pride, most are in the former category, the celebration of self-dignity and respect. Isn't it important to distinguish between different aspects of pride?

Do you ever worry that your anger consumes you?

I've been watching and listening to your content for many years. I was somewhat shocked by your recent video about the Twitter ban, not because I disagree with you, I am broadly in agreement with the issues you raise. However, it was the energy, tone, and emotion that shocked me and I fear that if you let that consume you, it could work against you, dilute your message and perhaps even turn people away. Perhaps ask yourself, did the manner in which you communicated your message match with the moral ideals espoused in the great contemplative traditions, was it firmly rooted in compassion and love, or did it also contain impure components?

Tears of happiness - In a relegious and psychoanalytic perspective

Good day Dr. Peterson, I work on a song for my fiancée and I often get tears of happiness. There is something about music, lyrics and thoughts mixed with strong emotions that brings it together. I have had the same tears of happiness when I create things for others when these feelings flourish. The last time was when I wrote a poem for my friend's wedding. It was intended as a song from the beginning but became better to read aloud. It spread like rings on the water, several family members came up afterwards and told me that I made them cry with happiness. But it was not until today that I reflected on it all and wrote it down in my book. I am really interested in these "tears of happiness" or "the gift of tears" from a religious and psychoanalytic perspective. When I see you talk about people stepping forward and expressing their gratitude for your work, how you have managed to change their lives for the better, I also see tears of happiness. So I can not help but think that you have already reflected on this and maybe can share your perspective on it? Best Wishes